Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Lazy Day on Pine Island

  John got up early and did his routine.  We had breakfast and he decided to walk some more while I did all my "lay down" exercises in Harvey.  We'll go to the gym later to do more.  We were going to go to the beach today, but there is supposed to be 16 mph winds so we decided to go to the pool instead.  We started in the hot tub about 11:00 and then laid around the pool till about 4:30.  (We did go back to Harvey for lunch). I talked with my mother who has had some flu-like symptoms the last couple of days.  She feels a bit worse today and the whole 2nd floor of her building is quarantined.  Everyone is going a bit stir crazy... she can't even see Dad.  But on a brighter note, it really was a perfect day to lounge outside with the temperature around 76 and a breeze although it was a bit chilly in the shade.
Very pretty pool area with hot tub
  We played a game of shuffleboard but I couldn't finish because of my hip... it was so frustrating!!!  I was winning though!  Don't tell John I told you.  When we walking back from the pool my sister's friends, Russ and Darlene drove by, so I finally got to meet them.
This is the inside entrance to the CG across from the office
This is looking down the aisle where we are parked
(about 10 down on the left)
  We went to the gym to finish exercising and then John grilled steaks for supper.  We played Hand and Foot and although it was a close game...I WON!  I talked with Bonnie and Ken who are at Lazy Days in Tampa (where they bought their RV) getting some warranty work done on their rig.  They left it there in November and expected everything to be finished but no such luck.  They are pretty frustrated, but, hopefully, things will get worked out tomorrow.  Well, time to go to bed... good night.

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