Thursday, January 15, 2015

Sight Seeing Day on Pine Island

   The weatherman called for overcast skies today and he got it right!  The temp was about 70.  John cooked a delicious breakfast.  I talked with my sister and my mother.  Then John did his walking and exercise routine while I headed for the pool and hot tub to do some exercises for my hip.  It took us both about 2 hours, returning to Harvey about 11:30.  John got 12,000 steps in today.  He has really been diligent with his exercise.  I am very proud of him!!  We had some lunch and decided to drive in all different directions on the island to check out places we haven't seen yet.  First we headed to the north end of the island to the Bokeelia pier.  It was a pretty view from the fishing pier and we saw a few pelicans.
The contented pelican
This was as far as we could go out on the pier
Another pier coming out from a residential area
The happy couple
A pretty view to the inlet
The rest of the fishing pier that was off limits
unless you were fishing
  We took some back roads on our return to the CG and spotted an osprey nest in the middle of a field near the Pineland post office.
Looks like someone built a structure hoping for a nest, huh?

He/she looks so regal!

John yelled at it to get a different shot...
I think he upset it!
  The road winded around to the main road (Stringfellow) and we stopped at a cute little bakery.  We shared 2 cupcakes...a chocolate/peanut butter one and an orange crunch one.  They were absolutely delicious, especially the orange one! 
The Cupcake Express

Many flavors... we had the orange crunch-bottom left
and the choc p. b.-bottom 2nd from right

Assorted cheesecakes

The attached gift shop-we ate at the yellow table in the back
Then we headed east, but that was a dead end.  A bit past the CG we tried to check out a wildlife preserve, but it, too, was a dead end, so we went back to Harvey.  John took a nap while I played my word game on the computer.  I was hungry for fresh seafood so we went over to The Sandy Hook Seafood Restaurant located just before entering Malachi.  We got a seat next to the window so we could look out over the water.  John had the grouper he has been hungry for and I had shrimp scampi over linguine.  The food was very good!  We would highly recommend it. 

The view from the window out over the water
Then we went back to the CG clubhouse to play BINGO.  We didn't win any games, but it was fun.  They play weird games like any 9 numbers, kite shape with tail, and fly swatter with fly.  John is afraid he will have nightmares about it tonight!  We went back to Harvey, watched some TV, I worked on our blog post (Kylie is under the table across my feet snoring away), and then we went to bed.

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