Saturday, January 31, 2015

Last Full Day at Ft Myers Resort...Laundry Detail

   We got up and had breakfast and then we emptied the hamper, stripped the bed and John took it to the laundry.  We got it all dried and folded and then headed to the pool while John did his walking and weights.  The Tiki Hut by the pool was open today from 11:30-1:30 serving hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken sandwiches, and strawberry shortcake.  There was also entertainment...a guy singing, and playing a steel drum and guitar.  It drew quite a crowd!
Larry and his steel drum
The Tiki Hut
Our activities director, Michelle
It was a wonderful day for the pool...
food, entertainment, and sunshine!!
  John joined me about 1:00 while I was doing my exercises in the pool.  We left about 2:00 in order to get ready to go to Rhonda's condo in Cape Coral.  She's going to feed us.  We arrived there at 4:30.  Kevin was there also.  Rhonda's condo is beautiful with a large living room and high ceilings and a screened in porch overlooking a small boat docking area.  Her granddaughter, Ellie arrived about 5:00.  She is so cute!  It took her a while to warm up to John and I, but she finally let me hold her. 
Little Ellie Carder eating corn chips
Rhonda served us an amazing meal... chips and bean dip, veggies and dip, salad, pork chops, which Kevin grilled, sweet potato casserole, green beans, biscuits, and apple pie.  What a delicious feast!!  I actually tried raw carrots and liked them.  Imagine me being 60 years old and never tasting a raw carrot!! After dinner we played 5 crowns ( I won, but, of course, I was the scorekeeper), and then Catch Phrase, which the women won.  We had a really good time!  We said our good-byes and left about 8:30 so we could get back and start getting ready to leave in the morning.  When we got back we put a few things away, watched a little TV and went to bed.

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