Sunday, January 11, 2015

Finally...a beach day!!

   It was in the high 60's when we got up this morning and the forecast was for overcast but 81, so we decided we would hit the beach today.  When John got back from his walk we packed our lunches and took off for Fort Myers Beach about 9:30.  YEA!!  It should be a 30-40 minute drive but the traffic getting in and out is always horrendous and we didn't park there until about 10:40.  The beach was very full and no wonder... the sun was shining brightly and the temp was near 80!!  Even though my doctor said I shouldn't go on the beach yet,  I took it very slowly and cautiously and I had no problem crossing the sand.  It surprised me, too, that I didn't have any trouble getting out of my beach chair either although it is a bit taller than the average beach chair.  Fort Myers Beach doesn't have many shells, but I did manage to find a few little nice ones in neat colors. 
They're not big conch shells, but aren't the colors pretty!

I only ventured in the water up to my ankles because it was really cold!!John took a couple of walks while I basically soaked up the sun and people-watched.  It always amazes me how many shapes and sizes and ages and different bathing suits are represented on the beach. The hotel that we sat in front of had wonderful live music for our listening pleasure, so that was nice!  About 2:30 a thick cloud cover rolled in that looked very threatening, so we decided to pack it up and leave before we got caught in rain.  It didn't take near as long to get out of town as it did to get in and we were home by 3:30.  We watched the rest of the Packers/Cowboys game... yea, Packers... took showers and then ate supper while watching the Colts/Broncos game.  I was rooting for the Colts and John was rooting for the Broncos.  Hmm, it just occurred to me that 2 kinds of horses were playing each other... hmmm.  About 7:00 we went  down to the club house for a live music show.  When we got there we recognized some of the musicians from the last time we were there while visiting with Bonnie and Ken a couple of years ago.  There were 9 men on stage that probably averaged 70 yrs of age.  They played guitars, fiddles, drums, keyboard and saxophone.  The MC was one of the oldest and hysterical!    It was really fun with a lot of the people from the CG also performing.  We got back about 9:00 watched some TV and went to bed.  It's supposed to rain the next 2 days so we don't know yet what we'll being doing tomorrow.  One thing for sure is we'll be going somewhere to watch the Oregon/Ohio St game because we don't get ESPN in the CG.  GO DUCKS!!


  1. Those pretty little shells are coquine shells. Those are the ones mom liked to paste on little artificial Christmas trees. They look like little angel wings!

  2. I thought of that, but it was weird that there weren't any white ones!
