Saturday, January 17, 2015

Lido Beach Here We Come!

    Looks like the weatherman got it right, so we packed our lunch and met Rhonda and company at Publix about 20 minutes from the CG at 10:00.  Rhonda took us across the road to show us the lot she bought in a gated community called Cape Harbor.  It's a beautiful development with upscale, mostly stucco homes with gorgeous tile roofs and a golf course  She hasn't made up her mind yet as to whether she will build there or not.  Then we left for the Lido Key beach in Sarasota.  I called my mother to find out how her dentist appt went yesterday only to find out that she couldn't go because she got the intestinal bug that is going around the retirement home she and my father live in. As a matter of fact the whole building is quarantined!   She feels better today, so, hopefully she's on the mend. It was a long drive to the beach, about an hour and 45 minutes, but well worth it.  The beach was like cornstarch and the water was different shades of turquoise and very clear.  The sun was warm and there was a slight breeze.  John took a walk and I basically stood in one spot about a foot into the water and found a few nice shells.  We ate our lunches and then all of a sudden the wind direction shifted and it got really chilly even though the sun was warm.  We were all wrapped in towels and sweatshirts and decided to leave about 4:30.  Poor Kylie is probably back at Harvey with her legs crossed!  We made plans to meet at Sonny's Barbecue at 7:45 for supper.  As usual it was delicious!  Then we walked next door to Hurricane's to spend a few minutes with the manager, James, Rhonda's son.  Her other son, Evan, called Rhonda while we were there, so I got to talk with him, too!  We all made plans to go to Sanibel Island on Monday for another beach day.  The weather is supposed to be good!?!  We got back to Harvey and Kylie about 9:45.  John went to bed and I worked on our blog post till about 1:00.  I better get to bed because tomorrow is moving day.  We need to be out no later than 11:00 am and there are a few things we need to do to prepare.
The powdery beach and beautiful turquoise water at Lido Beach
The sailboat looks so pretty in the water against the sky

Not sure what kind of bird this is, but it was
different from the others

A view of Sarasota from the bridge

An anonymous friend I made while tied up in traffic on the bridge

The clouds outside of Cape Coral made an interesting pattern

Beautiful sunset skies over Pine Island

Kevin, Rhonda, Heather, me and John as happy as
barbecued clams after dinner at Sonny's

Seems like old, fun times spending time with Rhonda again!

Rhonda and son, James at Hurricanes where he is manager

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