Monday, March 23, 2015

A Rainy Day in Georgia!

   It started raining shortly after we went to bed last night, sometimes very hard.  Temps were in the 50's when we got up and not expected to get out of the low 60's today.  Oh, well, sometimes into the sunshine some clouds must appear.  We really have been blessed with great weather most of our trip.  The rest of the week is supposed to be better.  I hope so... we're losing our tans!  John went down to the gym while I prepared pancakes and bacon for breakfast.  I even made a bananas foster sauce to put over the pancakes.  John got back about an hour later and we ate.  It was yummy if I do say so myself.  I cleaned the shells I got yesterday and worked on my blog.  John took a nap.  Heather called and I talked with her and Cooper for a while.  When John got up we talked about seeing a movie and decided on "Do You Believe".  It's a Christian movie made by the same people who made "God is Not Dead".   I called AT&T to have a charge taken off our bill and then we left for the 1:45 show.  We had to go to Florida to see the movie, but it was only 30 minutes away.  It was gorgeous!  We didn't get anything to eat or drink, but you could put your own butter on your popcorn and you got your own drinks from those new machines like that have in some Burger King's now.  And the matinee price was only $7.00!  Everything was digital so the picture and sound was amazing!  The movie was wonderful... so inspiring and thought provoking and moving.  If you go see it take plenty of tissues!!!  John and I were both crying, even after we got to the car!  After the movie we stopped at the bank, Petco and CVS.  Then we went to supper.  We'll let you guess where by the pictures.  As usual, it was delicious.
Our appetizer, red neck egg rolls
John's entree
My sandwich
It was so good and I was so hungry...I ate'r all!!
  When we got back I worked on my blog and John went next door to talk with a couple in a trailer that came in while we were gone.  It had a PA license plate and a sticker in the back window... retired Air Force.  Turns out they are an 80 yr old couple from Schuylkill Co just next to the town that John grew up in!  They have been RVing for 17 yrs and stay in only military parks.  They mentioned that there was an ice cream social down at the community bldg. so we went down with them to be social (even though we were still full from supper).  We came back just before 8:00 so I could watch The Voice.  Dustin called about 8:30 and we talked with the whole family for about 20 minutes.  Emma signed up for softball and Ellie signed up for soccer.  We're looking forward to going to watch them play!  I watched my show while John read one of the books he bought at the seminar at Lazy Days.  

Wow... he's really engrossed, huh?!?

Look at John's hair...I think he's going for the "hippie" look!

We went to bed after my show and I finished my book, "The Time of My Life" by Patrick Swayze, and John read another one of the seminar books about "holding tanks". (how exciting, huh?!?). Tomorrow sounds like another wash-out, so I don't know what our plans are.

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