Sunday, March 22, 2015

Disappointing Beach Day!

   The weather forecast today was for overcast but warm (76) and possible showers about 2:00.  We decided that was good enough to head to Fernandina Beach to look for baby ear shells.  So after John's walk and breakfast we headed out at about 9:45.  I wore sweat pants and a shirt over my bathing suit just in case it was chillier by the water.  John did not.  I took a sweatshirt.  John did not.  We arrived at the beach about 10:30 and it was a bit breezy and chilly.  But I wasn't cold.  John was.  He wrapped himself up in a towel.  I went searching for my favorite shell... baby ears.  This beach and Hunting Island in GA were the only 2 beaches that we visited that I found these shells, so I was excited!  I searched for about an hour and found some interesting shells, but no baby ears.  John went for a walk and came back with a white one!  I was a bit jealous.  I kept moving down the beach and found HUGE area of piles of shells.  So after about a half hour of bending over and going through the shells just plopped right down in the middle of them and kept searching.  And, presto, I found a small gray baby ear shell!  Yea!!  About a half hour later John showed up and asked if we could leave because he was cold and pretty bored.  I agreed and just then found another gold and white striped baby ear, but it was a bit broken.
Before mineral oil...

...after mineral oil.  I wouldn't have shown the difference again,
but I took a picture by mistake before I oiled them.  From L to R
piece of driftwood, real smooth, olive shells, auger shells, asst. shells
with neat coloring, 2 conch shells in the middle and the insides of
conch shells with neat coloring (I have a fondness for them), neat colored
shell pieces at top and LG cats paw and turkey wing at bottom, and far right,
my beloved baby ear shells

Baby ears up close.  Kind of resemble a flattened snail or tiger eye shell
  I met John back at the car and we left around 1:30.  We talked with Alexandra on the way home.  When we got back we took showers and then went to the commissary on base to get groceries.  John grilled hamburgers and we had Campbell's bean soup with them... yum!  We played Racko out on the picnic table and I made an amazing comeback to win.  It was about 6:30 by now and getting chilly outside, so we went in and watched TV for the rest of the evening.  We went to bed about 10:30.  It's supposed to rain all day tomorrow, so we might go see a movie.

1 comment:

  1. Love the Baby Ears. I gotta get me some of those! Continue to have a great time and enjoy the warm temperatures! It is just toooooo COLD here!
