Thursday, March 12, 2015

Stayed in the CG Today

  It rained pretty hard during the night and was so loud it woke us up.  Didn't sleep too well the rest of the night, so we were both tired this morning.  We had both gotten a lot of sun yesterday, too, which didn't help.  Anyway, we decided to stay here today mostly because of the 3:00 practice for the Karaoke show they're having here at the CG on Sat. evening.  I plan on singing, so we really didn't feel like hurrying home from the beach so I could be here for the practice.  Our computer data is running a bit low, so we went down to the pool area where we could hook on to the CG's Wi-Fi.  I needed to catch up on my blogging.  I worked on it until about 2:30 only to find out that the Karaoke practice was changed to Friday afternoon.  So we played 3 games of shuffleboard instead... John won!
The shuffleboard King ready for action
The resident Blue Heron in his favorite spot by the
shuffleboard courts.  Not sure what he was doing but
his "guller" was twitching the whole time!  Doesn't he
look like a human squatting with his knees up!!

Maybe he is just drying his feathers, but why is his "guller" twitching?
  It was really hot so we jumped in the pool.
The pool was busy today!

A view from the pool over the lake.  The blue umbrella is huge!

The fountain in the lake is lit with colored lights at night... pretty!
  I did some of my exercises but we spent the majority of our time talking with a couple from Montreal.  We came back and got ready to go to supper at Fire and Stone Pizza in Cortez.  I talked with my sister on the way to let her know about the issues we are having with the Lazy Days service depth. Just as they have had.  But in our case our service rep told us that they probably won't have any time to do our warranty work even though we made the appt. months ago.  They are just too busy and backed up.  Nice, huh!!!  Not sure what's going to happen once we get there on Sunday for our Monday morning service.  We may have to change some plans.  Oh, well, this is part of our new adventure!!   Yes, our trip to Fire and Stone Pizza was successful this time.  John had his wallet AND cash!!  It is a buffet with asst pizzas baked in a brick oven, salad bar, soup, and sundaes all for $8.99.  And you can get 2 for 1 beer and/or wine.  It's delicious.  Of course, I ate too much... John did great!  We played 2 more games of shuffleboard when we got back.  John won again.  He was going to walk more but he was too tired (probably from all those great shots he had on the shuffleboard court).  We watched a little TV when we got back and then went to bed.

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