Thursday, March 5, 2015

Perfect Day on the Beach with Family, Friends and New Friends!!

   We got up earlier than usual today (at least I did) so we could leave for Manasota Beach by 8:45.  We're meeting Bonnie and Ken and their friends, Melissa and Chuck, and Ernie and Noela there at 10:00. It takes about an hour from here but we have to pick up a Rx from CVS up the road first.  We had breakfast and packed up our sandwiches and snacks and beach gear by 8:45 but got "way-laid" by our neighbor and didn't leave until 8:55.  We decided to pick up the Rx on the way home because we really wanted to beat the rest of the gang there.  For some reason we're usually last or late... hmmm.  We did it... we got there just before Bonnie and Ken's gang and Ernie and Noela arrived about 1/2 an hour later.  I was so nice to finally meet Melissa and Chuck!  Bonnie has talked about them so much that we felt like we already knew them.  They are a very fun couple.  It's easy to see why Ken and Bonnie like to spend time with them!  It was great to see Ernie and Noela again, too!  We really enjoy their company. 
Melissa and Chuck in their Costco chairs
Ernie and Noela in her Costco chair (Ernie's a hold-out)
Ken in his Costco chair.  He's all smiles
due to his "rock-a-butzer" last night.
Bonnie in front of her Costco chair
Bonnie's behind... she's doing was she does best...
looking for sharks teeth on her hands and knees
John in his Costco chair doing what he like best...
Enjoying a good book
John and Ernie took a long walk together on the beach... almost 10,000 steps!  John has a good time talking with Ernie.  They both share a love of knowledge.  I always tease John about having a head full of useless information!  I did my usual routine of sitting on my chair while John gathered shovelfuls of shells for me to go thru for sharks teeth.  I found over a hundred!
John did a good job scooping up treasures!!
  It was a beautiful day... mid 80's and a light breeze.  I could have stayed there all day!  Bonnie and I did venture down into the ocean cause I was warm and had to go potty.  It was the first time I have been in the water since we're here in Florida.  It felt really good!!!
It was a gorgeous day for the beach!
As you can see we beat the rush... but it filled up later!
I finally got down to the water!!
  Later I took my chair down to the waters edge and John supplied me with more shovelfuls of shells to go thru.  Bonnie helped, too.
John was busy scooping shells for Bonnie and I to go through

We didn't give him a break!

Every basketful he brought up was "the one".

We all decided to leave about 4:30.  We said our good-byes because we most likely won't see any of them before we leave to go back to PA.  And Bonnie and Ken are planning on leaving for their trip out West the day we get home, so we won't see them until July.  It brought some tears to my eyes.  I love my sis and brother-in-law and will miss them a lot!   The rest of the gang was going to Sonny's Barbecue for supper, but we had to get back for Kylie.  We picked up the Rx and got fried chicken from Publix for supper.  Our bellies were full and we got a bit too much sun which made us tired, so we got our showers and went to bed early.  We had such a good time today with everyone.  We are so blessed!!

1 comment:

  1. It was a perfect day. Thanks for joining and being a part of it. Blessings.
