Saturday, March 28, 2015

Beautiful Day but Chilly!

   I got up about 8:30 and John had already eaten some of our leftovers from yesterday's breakfast.  He was ready to go do his walking, so I ate breakfast and fixed myself up (that took a while) and then repainted my toenails.  When he got back about 11:30 he had gotten all his 10,000 steps in!  We decided to take all the rugs down to the laundry and play some Nerts while it was finishing up.  We left in the middle of the game (to be decided later) so we could get back to eat lunch and take Kylie for her nail trim.  The rugs weren't quite dry so we'll pick them up on our way out.  When John went in to the laundry to get the rugs, they weren't there, and there was laundry in the dryer we were using.  He asked a woman there if she had seen them, but she said," No."  Then a man came in and went to the dryer we had used and here he had put his laundry in without checking to see if it was empty.  Mystery solved!  We headed to the groomed/pet resort which was only a mile and a half away.  They were all so friendly and gentle with Kylie.  She didn't put up any fight at all.  We asked if they could recommend anything to keep Kylie smelling better between shampoos.  They GAVE us a can of dry shampoo and sold us a pet odor eliminator candle. 
Kylie almost looks happy, huh?!?
Then we stopped at Publix to get "a few" groceries, but ended up with about 6 bags full because they had a bunch of BOGOF specials that I couldn't resist.  Hey, we can take the stuff home with us!  We decided to start a fire and use our cast iron sandwich makers to make "hot pockets" with Pillsbury crescents and our leftover steak.  We chatted with the neighbors for a bit while the fire was getting ready. 
I wish you could see the rest of the dog.  He was shaved
Only from the middle of his back.  His hair was wirey
and full, and with the pomp on his tail
 he looked just like a lion!
The pockets were delicious!  We'll be doing that again!! (we should have taken a would think by this late in the game we would be better at that!!)  After supper we toasted marshmallows and made s'mores.  YUMMMM!!
I'm a happy camper... I'm making s'mores!!
  The fire burned out so we went down to the community room to play Nerts.  The camp host treated us to cookies and another camper, Bill, who plays the guitar invited me down tomorrow to do some singing.  John won Nerts, but it was a close one... 200-191!  We came back at 11:30 and went to bed.  We are planning to go to church on the base tomorrow morning.


  1. Kylie looks like the traveling is doing her good! she looks like just a pup!!! :)

  2. Well, she MAY have enjoyed the trip in some respects, but Andrea you may want to get your glasses checked if you think Kylie "looks just like a pup"! :-)
