Monday, March 9, 2015

What a Beach Day!!

   Got up a bit earlier today, so we could get an early start to Manasota Beach.  We had a light breakfast, took care of all the doggie needs, and were on the road by 9:05.  I talked with Michele on the way.  Her life is still crazy busy, but we talked most of the time about some houseplants she has leftover from her father's funeral.  She doesn't have a very green thumb, so she needed some advice.  It was good to hear her voice again... haven't talked to her for a while.  As we got to the bridge that takes you into the beach the drawbridge went up.
The drawbridge at attention!
This is the boat that the drawbridge needed to go up for.
  In a couple of minutes precisely 9:47 we parked the Jeep.  We were there earlier enough to get a spot... yippee!!  The beach was already fairly full, but, why not, it was a gorgeous day again!!
The clouds look like big handfuls of cotton, don't they?

The beach was pretty full for 10am!

No clouds over the water here at a deserted
area much farther up the beach.
  John took this picture during his walk. 

This is the beach patrol hut.  The green flag means
it's a great day to be on the beach and in the water.
The water temp was 67 today... not bad!
  We went down to the edge of the water for a bit and I found some good sized sharks teeth just by going thru some handfuls of sand and shells from the shore.  I'm anticipating a good day!  I made my way back to my chair and John brought me about 8 scoops of the ocean's bottom.  That should keep me busy for a while!  Now why didn't I get a picture of THAT??  John went for his walk and returned about 2 hrs. and 15 minutes later.  I was about ready to send the beach patrol out to look for him!  When he got back he told me he ran into Ernie and Noela but he wasn't sure where they were sitting.  Before too long they came to visit with us.  We chatted for a while and then they went back to there chairs behind us to read.  John got me some more shells (I'm getting faster going thru them) and decided to go for another walk.  He went back and asked Ernie if he wanted to go along and Noela came up and sat we me.  We had a really nice visit getting to know each other a little better. 
A Coast Guard ship that floated by while
Noela and I were chatting.
I know I've said it before, but they are such nice people.  It definitely gives us a reason to make a trip to Canada, specifically Québec, with Harvey.  When they got back from their walk at about 3:30, Ernie and Noela left to do some shopping.  John helped me go thru the end of the pile of shells and then I took the "Florida snow shovel" down to the water to look for more treasures.  It sure was fun to finally be able to do it myself!!  I found some good ones. 
Going thru my routine of cleaning my foot in the basin,
drying it off, and trying to keep it that way
before putting on my brace.  It used to be
easy to leave the beach!!
We left about 4:45, stopped for some dog food, and got home about 5:30.  John grilled some turkey kielbasa for supper while I made fried potatoes and veggies.  After supper I called my mother and we talked for almost an hour!  All is well there thank goodness.  By that time The Voice was on and I was pretty much glued to the TV for the next 2 hrs.  I did clean and oil my shells and sharks teeth during the commercials.
I "done good" today, didn't I?!?
  John went down to the fitness room to do his weight routine.  I am so proud of how dedicated he is... he outdid himself with his steps today.
WOW!!  John walked almost 13 and 1/2 miles already today!!
  Since the 9th of Feb he has walked a total of 199 miles!!  (that is when he started using an app on his phone). We went to bed right after 10:00.  It was another wonderful day... we continue to be blessed to be able to experience all God has provided. 


1 comment:

  1. Ernie and Noela really are great people. Love being with them. What a haul you made today on the beach. Some nice sized shark's teeth and so many of them. Looks like it was another fun day!
