Saturday, March 14, 2015

Getting Ready for Our Move and Karaoke

   John got back from his walk by the time I got out of bed.  I'm getting very used to this sleeping in habit.
John took these beautiful sunrise pictures during his walk

    We had leftovers for breakfast, I got the laundry sorted and then John took it down to the laundry.  Then he got started on cleaning everything outside in preparation for our move tomorrow.  We were parked under a very messy tree so our canopy and rugs needed a lot of work!!
Look what he found under the grill cover!!
  I made some red pepper dip to take along tomorrow to the home of one of the employees from a company John dealt with at Raytheon in St. Petersburg.  We were going to go to a Phillies/Red Sox game but it is sold out.  So instead Kathy invited us to her house outside of Tampa and for a boat ride to a bayside restaurant that serves a mean grouper sandwich.  I also decided to try out my convection oven by making cookies.  I had bananas that were too soft to eat, so I added them to a pouch of an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie mix.  The cookies mostly came out OK, but I still have a lot of trial and error to do with the oven!  I met John at the laundry to help fold everything out of the dryer.  Then we changed into our suits and headed for the pool.  I did stay behind just a bit to practice my songs for tonight.  So about a half an hour later, about 1:30, I joined John at the pool.  Just as I arrived it started to rain just a bit, but it stopped after a few minutes.  There was an ugly cloud hanging over us though.  But it blew over and the rest of the afternoon was gorgeous.  We spotted the resident alligator in the lake which is kind of scary, because there are no fences anywhere and he looks to be about 7 or 8 feet long!  Apparently it's mating season right now and that's why he is suddenly making an appearance.  He never got close to shore, though.  Really don't know if he ever has.

This is the only live gator we have
seen so far during our trip!

  We left about 4:00 so we could come back and have supper and get ready for karaoke at 6:00.  John went down at 5:00 (per the suggestion of the karaoke guys) to tag 2 seats and I got my shower.  I barely got ready in time, but we got on our bikes about 5:50 to head down to the club house.  It was full!!  I was nervous, especially for my first song, but I pulled it off.  I got to sing 4 songs.  It was a fun evening with a variety of music and some great funny performances!  We didn't leave until after 9:15.
This was the guy who had the karaoke equip and his helper

This guy was the mystery guest.  He used to live in the resort.
He was a music professor and, man, could ever sing. 
It was very moving because he sang Neil Diamond's
"Hello, Again, Hello"

This is Les.  He had such a smooth, sultry voice.
I could have listened to him all night long!

This is Ron.  Believe it or not, he had a very strong, deep voice.
He sang mostly country and carried all his own karaoke CD's!!

This group sang "Tiny Bubbles" and the men blew bubbles
While the girls sang.  The woman on the left is 85!!

I'm singing Olivia Newton John's "Let Me Be There"

Tammy has a raspy voice like Bonnie Raitt.  She was good!

We're doing the Electric Slide line dance.

She was fun to watch... very animated!

This is Ron again doing the female voice of a girl/guy duet.
He faced us when doing the male part.  It was a hoot!!

This guy was part of a barbershop quartet and sang to a
Recording of the whole group, just doing his baritone part.

Here, I'm singing "If" by Bread

Here I'm singing Petula Clark's "Downtown"

I finished my night with "Rainy Days and Mondays" by the Carpenters

These guys were just drunk... can't remember what they sang!

What a beautiful  bike ride back to Harvey.  It was such a nice evening!  We won't be up too late because we have a few things to prepare for our departure in the morning.

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