Friday, February 26, 2016

A Day Relaxing, Reading, Eagle Watching and Practice

   I didn't wake up until 8:30 this morning.  John was up and dressed, ready to go walking.  I made banana pancakes for breakfast.  John cleaned up the dishes while I got on line to finally order the clothing rack that Heather picked out for Christmas.  John left for his walk and I caught up with "Words with Friends" on my phone.  I never got out of my jammies until 11:00!  John got back from his walk and we went outside to read because of how gorgeous is was outside.  It was so dry and the breeze kept the heat down.  John's hip has been bothering him since yesterday when h got on the treadmill and put an incline on it to walk.  So he decided to walk a bit more to keep it loose.  I brought my pins outside to make the backs and paint them.  When John got back he joined me and did some more reading.  I had to be at the Pine Island CG for the dress rehearsal at 6:45, so we decided to leave at about 4:00 and go to Camping World just a few miles from this CG.  We didn't spend too much time there, but we did get a sun screen for our awning on the clearance aisle.  It's missing the ties and tie downs, but for half price, we figured we can improvise!  Then we stopped just down the road from our CG to get some pictures of an eagle's nest.  Apparently, there are two young eagles in the nest.  One of them had to be attended to because of fishing line around its neck.  Luckily, the mother accepted the baby after that.  Also, I heard that the father had been shot but was nursed back to health only to be found dead a few weeks later beside a RR track.  There is now another male "wooing" the female. 
This is the female sitting by the nest.
This is the male.  He took off just before
we could get a picture of him in the tree.
Then we headed to Pine Island.  It was a good thing that we left early, because the traffic was terrible!
This bank is all over SE Florida.  Can anyone
explain the name?????
We got to Pine Island at 6:30 and Just had to check and see who was in our spot.  It was a class C motorhome.  The run through started at 7:15 and we were done at about 8:45.  It was a little rough around the edges, but should be pretty funny.  My number went very well and I got a lot of positive feedback.  I've been practicing!  There are 2 shows tomorrow - 2:00 and 7:00.  The evening show is sold out! 
"Singing in the Rain" number.

"Second Hand Rose" number.  Of course all the
acts will be in costume tomorrow!

"It aint so much a question of not knowing what to do"

"I aint the type that can faint"

"What's ya gonna do when he talks that way?"

"I cain't say No!"
We got back to Harvey about 9:30.  I talked to Arlena on the way back.  She and TW are moving into their new house tomorrow!  What an exciting day!  Dustin and some more of their friends are helping, although they have already moved quite a bit of things.  The renovations are done except for the granite on the breakfast bar.  It was cracked during shipment from Brazil.  Don't know how long it will take to get a new one.  Then I talked to Heather and Cooper.  They are doing well.  Cooper is into Pee Wee Herman right now...talked a lot about him and all the characters on the TV show.  Heather also told me that Molly, her aunt had her leg amputated yesterday due to cancer.  Waiting to get an update from Cheryl.  Please keep her in your prayers!  I didn't get a chance to call Mom to see how Dad is doing.  Hopefully, the IV antibiotics will clear up his cellulitis.  Please keep him in your prayers also.  We watched some TV and John went to bed about 11:15.  I worked on the blog and joined him at about midnight.  Have to turn the heat on tonight...only in the low 40's...BRRR!

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