Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Sunny, But Chilly, Windy Day Again.

   I didn't roll out of bed until almost 10:00 this morning.  I had a very restless night for some reason.  John was already out for his walk.  Bonnie called to let me know that Melissa and Chuck were on their way to an urgent care center to get some meds.  She and Ken were headed to Manatee Park with Ernie and Noella.  I worked on my blogs till John got back.  It was almost 70 degrees, so  we went on a bike ride toward St James City, but I wimped out pretty quickly because the bike seat hurt my butt!!

This cow has company.
This one has 2!!  Notice how deep the water still is
in this meadow.  It's almost up to the top of the cow's front leg!!
Here's another example of all the standing water.
We thought this was a blue heron...
...but shortly after I caught up with him...
...he almost flew into the side of a truck!  Must be a "dodo" bird.

  When we got back to the CG we checked to see if anyone was at the pool.  Just one brave lady.  The sun was warm, but the breeze was a bit chilly, so we decided to play shuffleboard instead.  I had bought some wax at Hobby Lobby last week to use on the pucks, so we went back to Harvey to get it.  On the way back up Neil was outside his 5th wheel and we invited him and Nancy to come join us, but they were busy.  We waxed the pucks and they seemed to glide a little easier, but it didn't help John too much unless getting several 10 off's late in the game counts!  I eventually whooped him.  Nancy and Neil and their doggy, Tatum, did come a bit to watch.  Surprisingly, they have never played shuffleboard.  We came back to Harvey and ate our lunch outside, but it got chilly, so we came in.  John took a nap and I called our granddaughter, Alexandra.  She was headed to work.  She babysits 2 toddlers 5 days a week for a couple of hours and then hostesses at The Stockyard Inn restaurant in Lancaster 5 or 6 night a week.  She enjoys both very much.  She had been going to HACC to study Psychology, but then decided she would rather go to make-up school in Pittsburgh.  But she changed her mind again and will be going back to HACC to pursue early childhood education and possibly child psychology.  I think she's making a wise choice, as does she.  She will probably change her mind a half dozen more times before she's done...and that's ok!!  It was about 4:15 by now, John got up and I called Bonnie to see if they were home yet because we were planning on playing cornhole down at the little CH and wanted them to joins us.  They were close, in Matlacha, so they said they would join us when they got back.  John and I went down and played 2 games, each of us winning one.  Soon Bonnie and Ken arrived.  We played 3 games...the men won the first 2 and the women won the third. 
Bonnie sure is concentrating!
Not sure what Bonnie is laughing about, but notice
that she and Ken have both put on another layer of coats.
It got really cold when the sun started going down!

A gorgeous sunset over the lake!
It was getting dark and very chilly, so we called it a night.  BTW...Melissa got some drugs, so, hopefully, she will be feeling better real soon.  We invited Bonnie and Ken for some cards, but they were planning on spending the evening with Chuck and Melissa since they will be leaving tomorrow.  Hope no one catches what Melissa has!!  When we got back we knocked on Pam and Harry's door to see if they wanted come over later to play some cards, but they're leaving tomorrow, too, so they weren't sure whether they would have time because of getting ready for departure.  We had our leftover quesadillas for supper then played a game of 2 handed pinochle and one of 5 Crowns.  John won pinochle and won % Crowns

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