Saturday, February 6, 2016

More Hard Rain Didn't Dampen Our Spirits!

  John got up at 6:30 and I woke up about 8:00.  We had breakfast and then I got ready to go the a craft show down the road with Bonnie.  I did some cleaning in Harvey before I had to pick up Bonnie at 9:30.  John went for his walk.  
John took Ken by surprise at the laundry!
Most of us older folks feel this way about our
RVing adventures!
The craft show was nice, but very small. 
I bought this pretty embroidered "tea towel" .
We were back by 10:30.  John was back from his walk when I got home and he was finishing up the cleaning.  He really does pitch in when things need to be done...thanks, Honey!  Bonnie and Ken, Melissa and Chuck, and Neil and Nancy are coming over to Harvey today at 1:00 for a cook-out, so I got all the ingredients ready for the quesadillas and salads I'm going to make for John and I.  Everyone is bringing all their own food to eat or grill.  Just before everyone arrived it started to rain a bit, so we pulled the picnic table in under the awning.  There was no wind, so we were good.  We had a great time!  Then we took the cornhole game back over to the little CH and had a double elimination tourney.  It started to pour and blow not long after we got there and pretty much continued the whole time we were there!  Bonnie and Ken beat John and I for all the marbles, or should I say, bean bags.  It was a good close game!  We all left about 5:00 and agreed to get together again at 7:30 in Waldo to play some games.  John and I played 5 Crowns and did some reading until it was time to go.  We all played Skip-O and Up and Down the River and the women won both!  We were all tired, so we called it a night at 10:15.  I worked on the blog while John read and we were in bed by 11:00. 

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