Tuesday, February 9, 2016

A Shopping Day!

   John was already out walking by the time I got out of bed at 8:30.  We had talked last night about getting a small printer for the computer, so we thought we would get out of the CG and go shopping.  Bonnie and I had hoped that the couple that leads the music during the church service would be able to accompany us with their guitars, but they said the music was too hard for them.  And when I saw Sonny (a terrific guitarist) and asked him...he said he just wasn't into that kind of music.  I remembered a Christian bookstore right next to Costco in Ft Myers that has one of those kiosks that will burn a CD of a tune right on the spot.  Hopefully, they will have one or all of our songs!  I called my cousin, Mary to finalize plans on getting together.  Bonnie and Ken and John and I are going to meet up with them at their condo in Sarasota on Thursday for lunch.  Bonnie and Ken have never seen their condo.  John and I had visited with them last year.  We look very forward to seeing them again! When John got back we shared a bagel, changed clothes, loaded the GPS with all the addresses of stores we...or should I say, I...wanted to go to.  Then I called a number I had for a friend from York, Rhonda, who now lives here in Cape Coral.  We had gotten together with her and her friend, Kevin, last year, but I didn't have her number in my phone.  The only one I had looked like an old one, so yesterday I had looked in the white pages and found a business of Kevin's with her name attached.  So I called there and left a message.  Since I got no response I decided to take a chance and call the one I already had.  Rhonda answered!!  We chatted a while and are going to get together sometime early next week.  I called Mom, but the Dr arrived , so she will call me back later. Bonnie called to let me know that Melissa was pretty sick.  She had been coughing quite a bit during the Super Bowl.  I told Bonnie our plans for the day and that we hoped to be back in time to play some cornhole later today.  We left about 11:30 and ran into Neil and Nancy (luckily they weren't hurt :) and told them we'd give them a call about cornhole when we got back.  First stop...Christian Book Store.  They only had one of the songs available, so I bought that accompaniment CD.
Took 10 minutes to burn this!!
  While I was doing that John checked Staples for a printer.  No luck there.  Onto Costco, no suitable printer there either.  Then I went to TJ Maxx.  I had some luck there (no surprise!).  John was very patient...he waited in the car.  Then onto Bealls Outlet.  I even have a credit card for their store...UH OH!!
My favorite Florida store!
  I must have tried on 2 dozen things, but only ended up with 2.  John was relieved!  Again, he was very patient...he actually got a bunch of steps in.  It was almost 4:00 by now, so we headed to Sweet Tomatoes, a salad buffet for lunch.

It's the same on both sides.  There's also a soup,
bread/muffin, pasta, and dessert/ice cream bar.
  Mom called me back...all is well there.  It was snowing and they already had 4 inches.  She said it was a beautiful wet snow, clinging to the trees.  The buffet was good, but I actually prefer Hoss's.  With our bellies full we headed home. 
The sky was beautiful the whole way home.

This was on the bridge in Matlacha.
We got back about 6:15 and checked the small CH to see if it was available for cornhole.  It was in use until at least 8:00,so we decided to just stay in Harvey for the evening.  I needed to catch up on my blog, anyway.   I called Bonnie to let her know.  John read while I blooged and then we went to bed about 10:30.

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