Sunday, February 14, 2016

Our Singing Debut at Pine Island!

Happy Valentine's Day!!  We got up at 7:30 and John made us egg sandwiches.   He wasn't feeling too well after that.  Probably had to do with the spicy corn salsa we used on our quesadillas last night!  He decided to skip church, so I drove down about 9:10.  Bonnie and Ken came shortly after that and we practiced out by the pool.  When it was our turn, the pianist gave us our note and we sang our 3 songs a capella (without accompaniment).  It went very well and people were very kind with their comments.

I stole this picture from Bonnie's blog
There was a little coffee and snack social time afterward and then we left.  On the way back I had stopped to drop off the CD player I had borrowed from one of the campers and Bonnie yelled to me to stop.  There is a "Friday Night Live on Sunday" here at the CG tonight.  A group of musicians from the CG play and part of the evening is devoted to "open mike".  A bunch of people asked us this morning if were we planning on singing tonight, but we didn't really know what to do.  Ken had come up with a suggestion...the "Billboard Song" from our church camp days.  Perfect!!  John was feeling better when I got back, so we decided to give Harvey a bath.  I used the scrubby on the bugs and rubber marks and John used the new extension brush that you hook to a hose.  He bought it yesterday.  We were done in about an hour.  I called Heather and she said she has been having Braxton Hicks (sp?)contractions which are pretty common and, hopefully no cause for concern.  She has a Dr. appt. on Tuesday.  She also told me that her Aunt Molly (one of Tom's sisters) has cancer in her upper leg and will have it amputated at the hip in about 2 weeks.  How awful!!  Please keep her in your prayers!  Then John grilled hamburgers for lunch while I wrote down the words to the "Billboard Song" and to Anne Murray's, "Could I Have This Dance" which I think I'll do by myself tonight. He wasn't feeling real good again and was really tired, so he decided to take a nap instead of going down to the CH for an ice cream social.  I decided to go anyway.  It sure was good and I had a nice time talking with some fellow campers. 
Looks good enough to eat, now doesn't it!?!

I rode back and John was awake and decided to get a shower to "get him going".  I was working on the blog and Bonnie stopped in to go over the song for tonight.  I think we're ready!!  

These are the words to "The Billboard Song".
She also asked John to play pickleball in the morning.  We had a light supper and then rode our bikes down to the CH at about 6:30 for a night of fun.  Well, it certainly was just that!  It was packed and a lot of people from the CG got up and sang or played an instrument.  There is a great deal of talent in this CG!!  Everyone enjoyed Bonnie's and my "Billboard Song".  We bought Sonny's CD, now I'll have to have him autograph it!  The show only runs until 9:00, so there wasn't time for my 2nd song. :(  We rode home, I finished my blog while John read, and then we went to bed. 
No one at the pool after dusk!

Doesn't the reflection of the palm trees in
the pool look neat?!?

This is Sue and Don.  They lead the worship music
during the church service.  Sue also plays the harp.

Are we animated enough singing "The Billboard Song?!?

This is Everett...he's a hoot.  And he plays
a mean fiddle, too!!  He's the MC and has a
very dry sense of humor...comes up with zingers
very quickly!!

A group from the CG went on a cruise and had
this poster made of him for the cruise.  Some
embellishment was added tonight.

Sonny is quite the talented singer/song writer/guitarist!

Don't you just love his smile!!

They played "When the Saints Go Marching In" at
the end of the night.  4 ladies marched in with roaster
lids as cymbals, umbrellas (like Mummers) and throwing beads.
It was so funny!!

This is Sonny's CD that we bought. Half of the proceeds
are going to breast and prostate cancer awareness.

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