Monday, February 22, 2016

Met Up With Old Friends Today

   I slept in until almost 9:30 today!  I must have been tired.  John was already up, of course.  He had his favorite breakfast...peanut butter toast and then went down to the office to try to change our reservations.  We decided to stay at this CG longer and shorten our stay at the next CG.  That is, if it doesn't cost us a lot more money.  To make a long story short, we are staying here for a total of 2 weeks and shortening our stay at the next CG to 1 week.  Everything worked out just great!!  John went walking and I went down to the CH for line dancing lessons, but the intermediate class was going on and I just couldn't get all the steps.  There is a beginners class on Friday I'm going to go to...then look out! 
I look confused, don't I?!? 
John snapped this photo of the busy shuffleboard courts.
I met up with John on the way back to Harvey.
We caught this squirrel having an early lunch.

Some put cute decorations on this boulder
outside the laundry room.
 I decided to just sit outside under the awning and read.  John joined me for a bit and then decided to take another walk...gotta get all those steps in!.  This was the first time since we left PA that I just sat outside and did NOTHING but read!  It was such a gorgeous morning and it felt great!!  We ate lunch outside and then did some reading.  Michele called and we talked for about 30 minutes or so.  She's doing better, but has a way to go.  One of her incisions opened up and it's causing some problems.  I talked with Bonnie, too, and, hopefully, she and Ken will be able to come over here tomorrow evening for a game night.  We went in about 3pm to get ready to meet Rhonda and Kevin at the Overtime Sports Bar in Cape Coral at 5:15.  We left at 4:00 so we could check some thrift shops for a western shirt for my performance on Saturday night in the variety show at the Pine Island CG.  By 4:45 some serious clouds started forming, so we had to go back to the CG to close the windows and put the sides on the Jeep.  Needless to say we were going to be late!  I texted Rhonda and we arrived at the sports bar about 5:55.  The place was packed!  The entertainment there tonight was a couple that did impersonations of famous couple singers.  Even though Rhonda had been there since 5:00 and there were still 4 reservations before ours, the staff couldn't guarantee a table before 2 hrs because a lot of the people already seated were planning to stay until the 7:00 show.  So we left and ate at Duffy's Tavern a few blocks up the street.  It was very good.  We had a great time with Rhonda and Kevin catching up on the last year.  Rhonda quit her job at the bank and she and Kevin started a home remodeling business.  It's going very well for them.  But they were both quick to remind us that they are ONLY business partners.  She just bought a condo but is waiting to move in due to it being rented out for the winter.  And the house that Kevin rents has just been sold, so he is moving this weekend.  Rhonda's son, Evan, is still in school in Pittsburgh going for his doctorate, and James and his wife, unfortunately have split up and are going thru the messy process of custody agreements for the 2 children.  He got put of the restaurant business and is now working for a glass company.  We called it a night at about 8:30and headed home.  It was such a nice evening.
Rhonda and Kevin
  We were planning on doing our laundry when we got back, but the laundry is only open until 10:00.  So I worked on the blog while John read his book.  We went to bed about 11:00

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