Tuesday, February 2, 2016

A Gorgeous Day For the Beach!

   I set my alarm for 7:00 because we wanted to leave for the beach at 9:00.  John was already up and I hadn't slept well for some reason, so I fell back asleep until 7:45.  It was very foggy outside when I got up!!  There is a bus here at the CG that hauls campers to different beaches for $5.00, but it was already full yesterday when I went to sign-up, so we decided to drive ourselves.  John took the top off the Jeep and we left just after 9:00, but John forgot his wallet, so we had to go back.  No big deal...it's not like we have a time schedule :))  On the way back out we saw a red wolf along the edge of the road.  I don't think I've ever seen a wolf before.  Of course, the camera was packed in the beach bag!  The fog had cleared, but there was some heavy cloud cover.  With the top down, I was anxiously awaiting the sun to peek thru a bit.  Fort Myers Beach is only 30 miles away, but the traffic there, especially near the bridge into the beach, is horrendous. It took us 90 minutes to get there!!  We arrived just after 11:00 and, of course, couldn't find a parking spot in the lot.  But, just by luck, on our 2nd pass a couple was just getting ready to leave.  We paid for 5 hrs. and headed down to the beach.  It was packed, but we managed to find just the right spot!!  
There were people everywhere.  Doesn't anybody
work in this state??
The clouds looked threatening, but it cleared just enough!
John went for a walk and I read my Debbie Reynolds biography.  I walked down to the water and just as John returned we ran into Neil and Nancy and Pam and Harry.  Both couples had taken the bus.  We chatted a while and then went back to our chairs.  We played some Yahtzee and John went for another walk up the other end of the beach.  I read more of my book. 
John caught me doing what I love best...
looking for shells.  I found a few little ones.

Nice blue sky!

Pretty puffy clouds!

Hundreds od conch shells washed ashore, but they
were all inhabited.

John lined some up to take a picture then a bunch
of people gathered them up and threw them back into the ocean.
It was a perfect day for the beach.  Low 80's, a slight breeze, and just enough cloud cover to block the sun every now and then.  After what Bonnie just went thru, we were real careful to keep a fresh layer of suntan lotion on us at all times!  We left just before 4:00 and only ran into heavy traffic on Pine Island Road. 
The pretty clouds seemed to follow us home.

Saw this cute sticker on the car in front of us.  I want one!
We got back to the CG about 5:20.  We both took showers and then John grilled hamburgers for supper.  I got an email from my cousin, Mary.  She and her husband, Paul, bought a condo in Sarasota 2 yrs ago.  They are coming down next week and would like to get together with John and I and Bonnie and Ken.  We did that last year and had a great time.  We sat outside and watched TV for a while.  When we came in I worked on the blog and John did some reading.  We played 2 games of 5 Crowns...I won both.  John went to bed at 11:00 and I stayed up to finish the blog.  Bonnie and Ken and Melissa and Chuck will be arriving tomorrow.  We can hardly wait to see them!

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