Thursday, February 18, 2016

First Full Day at Pioneer Village

   Last night before I went to bed, I realized we had no hot water.  John had mentioned yesterday afternoon that his shower never got very hot and I also noticed it when I washed dishes yesterday afternoon.  But I guess we forgot about it.  When I got in bed it woke up John and I told him about the hot water.  Well, he couldn't sleep after that worrying about it.  He got up about 1:30 and searched on line and read the manual trying to figure out the problem.  He was outside at 3am in his jammies looking at the water heater, but he just didn't know what was wrong.  So he came back to bed.  He got up about 6:30 and started in again.  About 8:00 he heard I was awake and came in and whispered, " I'm a genius"!  He checked the compartment where the water heater is located and realized the 'by-pass" button had been pushed by accident, so the cold water "by-passed" the hot water, giving us none.  Thank goodness he found it before we had to call someone in to fix it.  That would have been an expensive flip of a button!!  We had planned to go to Manasota Beach today, but because it takes about an hour to get there and we had to be back at 2:30 to get ready for the Atlantic Coast Potluck Dinner, we figured it wouldn't be worth it.  We are definitely going tomorrow!!  John took a walk.
John saw this cute sign hanging on one of the permanent units.
  I whipped together the triple berry cheese ball for tonight and then Rhonda called and we made plans to get together Monday night.  When John got back got into our bathing suits and headed down to the shuffleboard courts before swimming.  John had a score to settle!  He had an amazing comeback to beat me the first game, but then I whipped his butt the 2nd game.  We had to stop because a big group of Canadians were readying all the courts for a league, I guess.  We'll have to play the bully later this evening.  We went to the pool for about 2 hrs and then headed back to Harvey to get ready for the potluck dinner.
It was pretty hot in the sun, but a nice cool breeze helped!
  I showered (with hot water!), made bean dip, and finished getting ready.  The potluck was from 4-6pm.  We sat beside couples from NC and the couple across from us were from, ready...YORK!  The committee supplied ham, rolls, and beverages and the rest of the food was amazing!!  Then we played, "Now You Have It, Now You Don't". (I actually forgot about that part, so I ran back to Harvey and bagged up a pin and a scarf).  It was fun, but took a very long time because there were about 60 people there. 
There were a lot of people there from PA!
John ended up with a wind chime, which we swapped for pancake mix with a little cow shaped pan and I snagged a $5 lottery ticket.  Unfortunately, my ticket was a dud!  Afterward, we went back out to the shuffleboard courts to play the bully.  I creamed him again.  Sorry, Honey!  He was a good sport!  We walked back to Harvey and a couple from Pittsburgh just down the row from us stopped by to admire our "puzzle light," the one we got at the Hershey RV show.  We chatted for about a half hour.  We are finding the people here very friendly.  The site we have helps to expose us to people, too.  They recognize the purple lights we have around the patio, too.  The rest of the evening I watched American Idol and worked on the blog.  John read and talked to Todd, Alex's boyfriend for a while.  Looks like he's going to be a fire fighter in the Air Force.  He went to bed at 9:30 and I'm not far behind him.  Gotta get up and leave fairly early to get a parking space at the beach.  We might take clothes along to go to Rambler's Rest in Venice to do karaoke after the beach.

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