Monday, February 15, 2016

A Relaxing, Beautiful Monday on Pine Island

   We woke up about 7:30 to wonderful sunshine and mid 60 temps.  Oh happy day!!   John had plans to play pickleball with Bonnie and Ken and Paul, an acquaintance of theirs.  He headed out about 8:15.  I got dressed, had some breakfast and sorted the laundry.  It's kind of funny that we have been here almost 3 wks. and didn't realize that there was a laundry just a few sites down from us.  We were taking it out to the front all this time.  I decided to ride out to the pickleball court to get some pictures before doing the laundry.  It was fun to watch! 
Looks like Bonnie got the shot.
Oops...I think John missed.
Ken in action...looks like it's going to make it!
Bonnie's ready to serve and John is ready to head to the net.
The ceremonial racquet handle "butting" at the end of the match. 
Then I rode back to Harvey, picked up the laundry bags and went down to the nearby laundry.  It was full!  And the gal there said it would be a while until till the machines would be available.  So I turned around and went back to Harvey with the dirty clothes.  UGH!  Mom called to check up on us.  She and Dad are doing well and Dad's cellulitis is better, thank goodness.  It was nice of her to call!  I caught up on my blogging.  John soon returned, victorious and unscathed.  He went outside to start tearing down the screen house because it's supposed to rain tonight and we can't put it away wet.  I went out to help.  Then I wiped off the picnic table covers and folded them up.  By now it was about 10:45 and I needed to be at a meeting at 11:00 for the variety show I'm coming back for on the 27th.  So off I went on my bike down to the front CH.  But the only thing there was the 10:00 jam session.  So I rode back to the Tween Lakes Clubhouse.  I got off my bike and looked inside, but no one was there.  So I got back on my bike and went back to the front CH thinking that maybe the meeting was right after the jam session.  Nancy is one of the ladies in charge of the show and her husband, Everett was at the jam session.  I asked him where the meeting was supposed to be and he said, "the Tween Lakes CH". 
So I got back on my bike and pedaled and panted my way back there.  By now it was 11:15.  I still didn't see anyone, so I walked around back, and, low and behold, I spotted some people in one of the little offices.  I sure got a lot of non-intentional exercise!!  When I got back to Harvey John had the laundry already in the dryer...notice I said "the" dryer.  Only 1 of the 4 was working!  I went back later to finish up while John took a nap.  He's been having some symptoms resembling gall bladder issues the last few days, so he needed the rest.  We went to the Low Key Tiki for supper.  They are best known for their S.O.S...seafood on a stick...chicken, steak or a combo with pineapple, peppers and onions on soft taco shell.  They are delicious!  I got that and John had a chicken finger basket with homemade chips.  We sat out on the dock to eat.  It was cloudy, but a beautiful evening.
The view from our picnic table down the canal.

There were quite a few boats either coming in to eat
or going out to fish.

Two beautiful pelicans just hanging around.

This is a view of the back of the restaurant. 
It's always full!

A fisherman was fileting a recent catch.

The pelicans are anxiously awaiting a
hand-out from the fisherman!

But it becomes a frenzy fighting for it!!

  We drove to the end of the island/St. James City which was only about a half mile down the road!  We stopped at the front CH/pool area when we got back to the CG to check out a kick off for the 2017 camping season here at Pine Island.  Turns out it was only for those wanting to reserve sites for 3,4,5, or 6 months.  We're considering a month here next year, but no longer than that, so we went back to Harvey.  John took a little rest again to prepare for our evening with Bonnie and Ken. We went over to Waldo about 7:00 to play some cards.  The women lost 2 games of pinochle and were losing 5 Crowns, too, until Ken graciously offered to "spot" us 150 pts, so we accepted.  We ended up winning by 21 pts!!  What a guy, that Ken!  Then we played "Toss Up" and beat them pretty handily.  We called it a night at about 10:30.  It started raining about 11:30.  The sound of the raindrops on the roof of Harvey always either wakes me up or keeps me awake.

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