Friday, January 29, 2016

Blue Skies, but Chilly!

  It poured during the night again...woke me up.  I even woke up John because I couldn't figure out what the noise was.  He really appreciated much that he couldn't get back to sleep and got up for an hour.  Sorry, honey!  We set the alarm for 7:00 this morning, so we could go down to the CH for breakfast before my chiropractor appt. at 9:00.  And, guess wasn't raining!!
Look!!!  A blue sky.  We almost forgot what that color looks like!!
  For $3 each we got scrambled eggs with onion and cheese, 2 sausage patties, OJ, toast, bagels, Eng. muffins, doughnuts, hard boiled eggs, and coffee or tea.  Not bad, huh, and it was very good!  We left for the chiropractor's office and arrived right on time.  Dr Jeter was very nice.  He did some adjustments and sent me on my way.  I have another appt. on Monday.  I talked to Bonnie and the procedure on her lip went well.  She had a spot on her lip that needed to be "scraped" to make sure it hadn't gone any deeper.  All is well, praise God!!  I talked to Mom and Dad, too.  Dad is a bit frustrated and depressed over his immobility and Mom is exhausted mentally and physically due to her move and Dad's.  Plus she's dealing with all of Dad's falls and some confusion.  She is very devoted to him and it's hard to watch him go downhill.  They both miss Bonnie and I very much.  We stopped at a local produce stand to get some sweet and juicy honeybell oranges.  I had one when we got back to Harvey.  It certainly lived up to it's name.  I had juice running everywhere!!Then we Skyped with Arlena and Cooper.  She had Cooper overnight because Heather had a late meeting at school and had to be in again early this morning.  Thanks so much, Arlena!  Bennett was at daycare, so we didn't get to talk to him :(  John took a walk while I tried to figure out a new card game we got at Camping World in SC...Kings in the Corner.  I also worked on the blog.  We played a couple of hands when he got back and then he took a short nap.  When he got up we ordered Chinese for supper.  Then we went down to the CH to hear a band called, "Last Resort." 
There's the band.
Hey, Bonnie, Pat and Ed sat beside us.  Somehow they remembered us from last year, and they certainly remembered you guys.  Ed mentioned he played tennis with you.  The band was pretty good, but we left early because John had some indigestion and was feeling nauseous.    I had some intestinal issues earlier in the day.  I hope we didn't eat something bad!  We watched "The Blind Side" and played some more "Kings in the Corner."  But it was kind of boring, so we played 5 Crowns instead.  I creamed John this time...YEA!!  John went to bed.   I finished watching the movie, "Flight Plan" and then went to bed.

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