Sunday, January 24, 2016

Finally a Calm, Sunny, Mild Day!

   John got up about 7:00 and I didn't crawl out until 9:30.  I was so cold last night, even with 2 blankets on the bed.  No was only 39 degrees this morning!!  John did a bunch of "chores" outside while I had breakfast and got a shower.  We took a walk down toward the lake.  The shuffleboard courts were there, so I challenged John to a game.  By dumb luck, I creamed him...77-5!! 
These things are growing up beside the trees.  We
think they might be part of the root system coming
up out of the ground.  They look like little gnomes!
Some resident Ibis
We got back to Harvey and John decided to take a nap.  I prepared ingredients for quesadillas I want to make before the Denver/New England football play-off game.  We're going to have to go to a sports bar to watch the 2nd game, because we don't get the FOX network here.  I left a message for Michele to call me back to let me know how she's doing and if her friend had any trouble with his flight into Ft Lauderdale on Friday.  John took a nap while I worked on the blog and watched the movie,  "Shall We Dance" with J Lo and Richard Gere.  When John got up I realized the game was already on.  I made the quesadillas (they were delicious if I do say so myself)  and watched the first half of the game.  Arlena called to bring us up to date on the snow removal back home.  She, TW and Bennett were stuck in Lancaster all weekend.  One of their friends took care of their dog at the house.  They went over to Michele's house today to help Alexandra clear the snow and then took Alex and the snowblower home with them to clear their house and the new one.  Arlena and TW have to go to work tomorrow and Bennett's daycare is closed, so they are taking Alex home and she will keep Bennett overnight and tomorrow.  Dustin sent pictures of his driveway before and after he shoveled.  Wow...there's a lot of snow!  Heather sent me a note saying that all she could see of her car was the side mirror.  Hope she can find someone to help dig her out being pregnant!!  Then I took a nap and woke up near the end of the 3rd quarter.  We left for Bufalucca's, a sports bar in Sebring with about 8 minutes left in the game.  We watched the last 2 minutes there.  Wow...what a game.  John and I were both happy that Denver won...rooting for Manning!  We ordered food in the middle of the 2nd quarter of the 2nd game.  It was pretty good...a lot better than the game!  We were both rooting for Carolina, though.
  We stopped at Walmart to pick up a few things and then got back to Harvey about 10:30.  We played 3 games of 5 Crowns.  I won the first 2 and John won the 3rd.  We went to bed at 12:30.  Looks like tomorrow just might be a pool day...supposed to get up to 68. YEA!!

1 comment:

  1. They are called cypress knees and woodcarvers make some beautiful carvings out of them. We have seen some gorgeous Santa Clauses!
