Wednesday, January 27, 2016

It's Raining, It's Pouring!!

   We both got up at 7:00 after a restless night.  It started raining about 1:00 and the sound of it on the roof of Harvey makes it hard to sleep.  Plus, my sciatica that I pulled last night was bothering me a bit.  We each had a pop tart for breakfast, packed things up and were on the road by 8:30.  Luckily the rain had stopped long enough for John to get all the outside stuff done! It drizzled most of the way until we got close to Cape Coral.  Then it started raining a lot.  By the time we got to the Pine Island CG it was pouring.  Yuck!!  All in all it was a good trip.  Most of the highways we were on were just 2 lanes and had lots to see.
There are orange groves just about everywhere you look!
  I went into the office to register while John unhooked the Jeep.  I was hoping to get a site close to the front of the CG but all they had was #167 which is on the back outside loop.  However, when one of the staff members who escorts you out to your site saw what site we had, he said it wouldn't work for a motorhome because it was just too wet...didn't have a cement pad.  So they moved us to #359.  Still in the back, but has a cement pad!  John backed in like an old pro and we were set up by 12:15.  By luck, again, the rain stopped while were setting up, but shortly after we got done it started again. 
LOTS of puddles not only on our site
but all over the CG!
We had some lunch and then decided to play a best out of 5 game of 5 Crowns.  I won the first one, John, the second and third.  I won the fourth and the bully!  Felt pretty good since I've been losing at everything!!  John decided to take a nap.  It is still pouring!!  I tried to call Dad but he didn't answer, so I called Mom to see if he was behaving.  They moved him this morning to a room closer to the nurse's station, so they can keep better tabs on him.  Hope that works, but from what Mom said the problem seems to be more about stubbornness and impatience!!  Good grief, if we're not worrying about our kids, it's our parents!!  While I was cleaning my bathroom John came in and said, "OK, 6:40 or 8:00?"  I asked him what he was talking about, and he explained that those were times for the movie, "Revenent."  I picked 6:40 which was a theater in Ft Myers, so we left at 5:45.  We figured we could grab a bite to eat afterward.  The roads were all pretty flooded from the 5 inches of rain Cape Coral/Ft Myers got today, but we made it in time.  Well, all the previews lasted almost 25 minutes, the movie wasn't very good, and the it played until 9:45!  We wanted pizza and to stop at a grocery store.  But everything was closed!!  We finally found a Dominoes close to the CG.  It's not my favorite, but it had to do.  We ate our pizza and then played 3 games of 5 Crowns.  John won the bully.  I finished the blog and then we went to bed at 1:00.  Oh, by the's STILL POURING!!

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