Friday, January 22, 2016

Got Some "Adjustments" and Visited With Some Hometown Friends

 When we got up this morning it was raining and breezy, but fairly warm.  John made a delicious eggs and home fries breakfast!  Then I called around to find an available chiropractor appt to help with my aching sciatica.  I got one at Lewis Chiropractic for 11:30 in Sebring.  His technique was a lot different than what I'm used to at home, but it did feel a bit better when I left.  I wanted to make another appt for Monday, but was told I don't need one, I can just "walk in".  Hmmm!  I stopped at CVS to pick up my prescription and then went to the appliance store to get the glass plate for our microwave.  Unfortunately, they didn't have a used one in stock.  They save them from junked ovens and then sell them for $30 which is usually half the price of a new one.  But, fortunately, the new one they have to order for us is only $19.00!  We had just a very small lunch because we have plans to have supper with 2 couples from home that have homes in a community just a couple of miles from our CG.  We left to go visit with John and Lorraine at 3:30 and then the 4 of us went to Ed and Carol's at 5:00.  Carol and Lorraine cooked a fabulous meal...ham, brown buttered noodles, home frozen corn, coleslaw, and homemade potato rolls.  OMgosh, it was good!  Masonic called to let me know that Dad had a fall today, but was basically OK.  Poor Dad doesn't have any strength left in his legs.  They just won't hold him up anymore and sometimes he's just too stubborn to ask for help!!  We played a game of "Up and Down the River" (I won, but, of course, I was the scorekeeper) and then had chocolate cake with PB icing!!  We all talked for about an hour more and we left at 9:30.  It was a lovely evening.  they are both such nice couples!
Lorraine, John, Ed and Carol

  Hopefully, Carol and I will get a chance to do some thrift store shopping before we leave Sebring!  John went to bed while I finished up the blog and watched the news to keep track of the blizzard that is to hit home tonight and tomorrow.  They are predicting 2-3 feet of snow!!!  I went to bed about 11:30.

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