Wednesday, January 20, 2016

We Gotta Get Outta This Place!

  We got up at 7:00, had a small breakfast and were on the road by 8:15!  John could hardly wait to say good-bye to Breezy Hill CG!!  Because Harvey needed gas we didn't hitch up the Jeep.  We figured we would just hitch up at the gas station.  We didn't pass any RV friendly gas stations, so John pulled into a defunct shopping center to hitch up.  There was a gas station right across the street that he thought he could maneuver, so we headed over there.  Guess what...the pumps weren't working and the repair truck was blocking the pull thru exit.  So we had to unhitch and back up.  We got on I-95 took the first exit that indicated there was a gas station because the Next Exit book showed that there was not an RV friendly gas station for 129 miles!!  It was a Valero and let me tell you, we just cleared the overhang and had to go in the out in order to fit.  John started pumping gas and then realized that it was $2.97/gallon!!  Yikes!!!  But we needed it, so he got 10 gallons to hold us until we could find something cheaper.  We hitched up right there at the pump.  John did a great job getting in and out of there.  We got back on the highway by 9:40.  We had about another 2 and 1/2 hrs. to get to the CG in Sebring.  I talked to Joyce from our small group at church to catch up on "stuff".  I think we talked for about a half hour.  Then I called Michele to make sure she was doing OK...and she was.  We pulled into a Marathon gas station to fill up Harvey at about 11:00.  There was a Subway attached, so with a gas purchase you got a free cookie.  With as much gas as Harvey holds we tried to talk them into 2 cookies, but we couldn't convince them!  Oh, well, sharing a cookie saved us some calories!!  We arrived at Buttonwood Bay CG about 12 noon.  WOW!  It was very impressive.  So well maintained, nice staff, and wide streets.  What a difference from the last CG!  John backed right onto the concrete slab and we were all set up by 1:15.
Heeeere's Harvey on his wonderful new site!
All the streets are named for fish.  We're on Angelfish.
Hey, do you like the name of this drive?
  Many people stopped to talk the first 2 hrs...a few from PA!!  Our neighbors are all very friendly, too!  We were hungry, so we decided to drive down the road into Sebring and go to Sonnys Barbecue.  We stopped first at an appliance store to replace the glass plate from our microwave that broke, but we didn't bring the model # along, so we'll have to go back tomorrow.  (I knew what we needed, but they wouldn't take my word for it.)  Then we stopped at CVS to drop off 2 prescriptions that were too early to fill before we left PA.  They didn't have one of them, so we'll have to come back tomorrow or Friday.  Then on to Sonnys...YUM!!  We stopped at Winn Dixie on the way home to pick up a few things.  I worked on the blog and then we played a game of 5 Crowns...John slaughtered me!!  We were pretty tired, so we crawled in bed about 10:00.  Love this CG already!!

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