Sunday, January 31, 2016

Another Cloudy Day...But No Rain!

   Our alarm rang at 8:00 this morning, so we could get ready for church at 10:00.  It was 60 degrees and sunny.  Looked like it was going to be a great weather day.  We had breakfast and got ready to go down to the CH for church.  By the time we left it was overcast but warm.  Church was nice and they had refreshments afterward.  We came back to Harvey and worked on adding some lights to our screen house.  Then John went for a walk. 
John took these pics of the resident woodstork.  Not
to Handsome, huh?  He hangs around the 5th wheel
 of Susie, the minister a lot which is just 4 sites]down from us.
  She feeds it hot dogs!!
The sun just refused to come out, so we rode our bikes down to the pool area to play shuffleboard.  These courts are old and not kept very well.  The little ball on the end of my stick rolled off the first time I used it and the whole end of John's stick came off on his first "push".  The courts are real slow, too, unlike the ones we played on at Buttonwood Bay.  It took some getting use to, but I was the victor in the end!!  It's about time!  We rode back and then I rode back to the office to make some copies of instructions for magnetic necklace/bracelet clasps that I'm going to try to sell along with my pins.
This is the magnet you can add to your necklace
or bracelet to make it easier to get on.
  I worked on putting those together and then a couple from Middletown stopped by, Pat and Harry and their Boston Bull dog.  We chatted for a while.  Then we had leftovers for supper and walked down to the CH for Sunday Night Live at 7:00.  A group of mainly "older" guys from the CG, mostly professionals, play and sing.  The are quite good! 
It was a full house tonight!

Here's the band!!

This is Sonny...a great guitarist who has played
at the Grand Old Opry in Nashville.  He is sooooo talented!!

I think this guy's name is Kenny.  He sings
a lot of comical songs.

And this is Everett.  He is hysterical!!  He acts as
the emcee and has such a dry sense of humor.
He also plays a mean fiddle!! I'm pretty sure
he's in his 80's.
Campers can sign up to sing or play instruments, too, so I thought, "what the heck", and I signed up for the 2nd half.  I sang Anne Murray's, "You Needed Me".  They won't have one next week because of the Super Bowl, but I think I'll sign up for the following Sunday.  They are having a Variety Show on the 27th and asked me to participate.  We won't be here then...we'll be at Rambler's Rest in Venice, but John encouraged me to come anyway.  We have to check how far it is.  The show was over at 9:00.  We walked back to Harvey, watched some TV while I worked on the blog, and then went to bed about 10:30.
Harvey and the screen house all lit up.
John did a great job!!

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