Sunday, January 3, 2016

Last Full Day at Camp Lejeune, NC

   It was a beautiful day today...sunny and in the high 50's.  We got up about 8:00 and had breakfast. I got bundled up in a sweatshirt and capris, put on my water shoes and headed for the beach at 10:00.  John went to the MCX to exchange some things we got yesterday and then he was going to get things ready for our move tomorrow.  I had a good day on the beach snagging about 300 sharks teeth.  I am so addicted!  I didn't come off the beach until 3:30!!  My feet and hands were pretty cold, but I just couldn't seem to stop.  You know..."just one more".  Heather and Cooper called.  John actually came down to check on me just as I got in the car to come back.  He thought I got washed out to sea :)
A pod of dolphins entertained those of us on the
beach for a little while.

 Not only did I find a bunch of sharks teeth,
but look at all the sea glass I found, too!
  When we got back he filled a tub with very warm water to rinse my feet off in and made me some hot tea.  I truly am very blessed to be married to this wonderful guy.  He takes such good care of me!!!  We watched some football and I worked on my blog.  We called Bonnie and Ken to see how their trip south was going and to see how they were feeling.  Bonnie is better, but Ken is worse.  They think Ken got what Bonnie had.  They were in stop and go traffic on I-95 in SC when we called.  John grilled steaks for supper.  They were delicious and so were the salads we had with them!  We played 5 Crowns after out of 3.  I won the first 2 games, but only because John had 1 bad hand in each game!  I was lucky!!  I finished my blog and put all the inside things away to get ready for tomorrow's move.  John finished unhooking everything outside.  We need to be at Camping World in Myrtle Beach at 8am in the morning to have our steps fixed (hopefully), so we have to leave here by 5am.  That's why we're trying to get everything done tonight.

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