Thursday, October 1, 2015

A Cloudy, Rainy Day for our 10th Anniversary!

  I missed the low tide this morning, only getting up at 8:30.  We wished each a "Happy Anniversary".  It's hard to believe we have already been married 10 yrs!!  (John says it seems longer... is that a good thing or a bad thing??). John had started to make breakfast, but I was so anxious to get down to the beach to look for teeth he waited to finish it until I got back.  What a guy!  I stayed out about an hour and a half but didn't find hardly anything because the tide was already too high.  We had breakfast then went to the base MCX (department store) and commissary (grocery store).  It rained pretty hard off and on.  All the weather stations are talking about the possibility of hurricane conditions from storm, Joachim.  It's kind of scary.  I talked to Mom on the way there and she was worried about us because of the forecasts.  They are doing fine.  We had lunch when we got back.  It had almost stopped raining so we decided to go out to the beach and go treasure hunting again.   It was about 2:30.  We had our suits on but put clothing over top because it was a bit chilly.  John gave me his "safari" hat to wear.  John stayed out until about 5:00 and I didn't come in until 6:00.  It had started to rain more and I got pretty wet and a bit cold.  I had a ball!! 
I may have been wet and chilly, but I was a "happy camper"!!
We had a good day again... teeth, sea glass, sand dollars,
an olive shell, and more pieces for you, Sis.
We both got showers to warm up and then had supper.  By 8:00 it was pouring and blowing outside.  We watched some TV and then went to bed.  I had trouble sleeping because of the sound of the rain on the roof.  Then Kylie woke me up at 3:30 to go out.  I tried to go back to sleep but couldn't, so I got up and started my blogging.  It was still pouring outside, but I crawled back in bed about 6:00 and finally fell asleep.

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