Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Will the Sun EVER Come Out??

John was already out walking when I woke up at 8:15.  It was cloudy and chilly out in the low 60's.  When he got back he made pumpkin pancakes for breakfast.  As usual, they were delicious!  The sun is supposed to come out after lunch, so we decided to go for a bike ride this morning.
I saw this spider while walking Kylie.  It was really big!!
  We first rode down to Larry and Claudia's coach to see if they had left yet because we wanted to get a picture.  Luckily they were still here.  They invited us in and we chatted for at least a half hour.  We are looking forward to hooking up with them in Florida... we really enjoy them and we have so much in common!!  We wished we would have had more time to get to know them better. 
This is Larry and Claudia from Macon, Georgia
Then off we went on our bikes to Clam Creek and the fishing pier.  Then we rode on the path that John walks.  We talked to Heather and Cooper and then headed back to the CG. 
The entrance to Clam Creek and the fishing pier

The fishing center from a distance...

...and up close!

A passing ship from Panama

Some pelicans

John's walking trail

You can see the fishing pier in the background

The water in the marshes is pretty high and moving fast

An egret

Not sure what kind of bird this is

Talking to Heather and Cooper

It's really pretty on the path... lots of vegetation
wildlife and water, but it stinks sometimes.

That's me!  The Spanish moss on the trees makes
 such a picturesque setting!!
When we got back one of our neighbors came over to ask about our "funky" hanging light (the one we got at the Hershey RV show).  We chatted for almost an hour while John searched on line for a contact so she could order one.  We had lunch and then we both took a 2 hr nap!!  It was still cloudy and chilly... the sun never did come out.  John went for another walk and I bleached and glue painted my sand dollars.  He got a shower and we had leftovers for supper.  After supper we played a game of Hand and Foot but we didn't get to finish because The Voice came on... I AM beating him, though.  We went to bed right after The Voice.  Hopefully, we'll be on the beach tomorrow, because the weatherman is promising sunshine and high 70's!!

1 comment:

  1. So glad the sun finally came out. It has been partly cloudy here also, but we have been able to hike and tour. Today we are going to NH (only 10 miles from the border) to bike on a rails to trail path. We move tomorrow morning! Glad you are having a good time and reconnecting with friends.
