Sunday, October 25, 2015

An Uncooperative Weather Day!

I woke up about 8:00 to the smell of something good.  John was cooking "hunky" eggs for breakfast.  They were so good!  He worked on next month's bills and then we got ready for church.  Being our last Sunday here on Jekyll, we were disappointed when the we realized the regular pastor wasn't there today.  He was recovering from cataract surgery.  It was kind of ironic, because the pastor that we love at our home church was preaching his last sermon there today, so we won't get to see him either :((  We did meet a couple a from York.  We hope to visit with them before we leave Jekyll.  They had Fellowship time with goodies afterward, so we weren't hungry for lunch (plus we had only finished breakfast at 9:30). We were hoping to go to the beach today, but it was drizzling when we came out of church.  The sun never really did pop through, so we just hung around the CG again today.  Bonnie called and we chatted a while.  John took a nap and I took Kylie for a walk.  I visited with Wanda and Wally for a bit... they were picking crabs.  I didn't want to stay too long or they might have asked me to help!  They have caught over 700 of them since they've been here!!  When John got up we played Hand and Foot and Five Crowns.  I beat him pretty badly at both.  So I challenged him to a round of miniature golf that's down across from Great Dunes beach.  He beat me by 6 strokes.  I had 2 really bad holes... that was the difference.  But I'll be the first to admit that John played well!

It's a cute course, but not too challenging!

We saw this young deer on the way back from the golf course.


  I realized that today was Bonnie and Ken's 46th wedding anniversary, so I called and John and I sang "Happy Anniversary" to them.  WOW!  Where do the years go?!?   We
pretty much watched football outside in our new screen house the rest of the day.  (Sorry, I forgot to take a picture again).  John grilled a flat iron steak for supper and we did eat inside for that.  Man, it was good!  TW sent me a text that said, "My child just walked up to me and said, "smell this, it stinks".  I wonder where he got that from?!?!?!  Then we went back outside to watch the Eagles play the Panthers on Sunday Night Football.  We went to bed about 10:45.  The Eagles are losing 13-21 right now.  Hopefully, they can pull it out!

1 comment:

  1. every time Cooper takes his shoes off, he says, "I have stinky feet," and he smells them. You certainly have rubbed off on the boys.
