Sunday, October 18, 2015

A Rather Cool, But Relaxing Sunday on Jekyll

  John and I both slept in.  Well, he didn't get up and walk, but he was up earlier than me!  We had some breakfast and then got ready for church.  We went to the Baptist Church again for their 11:00 service and it was nice to sort of know some of the people after attending "game night" at the pastor's home.  It was another inspiring service and there was a "fellowship time" with snacks and refreshments afterward.  When we got back I wanted to change into less dressy capris and my red Hershey Kiss sweatshirt (it was a bit chilly inside Harvey), but it wasn't in the drawer where I usually keep it!  John always makes fun of it because I wear it so much, so I figured he must have hid it.  It's just so darn comfortable because it doesn't have "bands" around the sleeves or bottom.  I had to search a bit but finally found it in a compartment above the TV in the bedroom.  That husband of mine CAN be a jokester!
The famous sweatshirt!  Don't you just love
that it is on the blog, John?!?!
  We watched some football and I decided to work on some more of my pins.  John took a 2 hr. nap... he MUST have been tired!  We had some sandwiches for lunch and watched more football.  John went for a walk and when he came back he told me I needed to come with him because he had something to show me.  I finished up my last pin and went with him. 
My "silver" pins.
We walked to the back corner of the CG and there was the screen house he had been looking at.  It was helpful to be able to see it "up close and personal"!  It should be just right for us.  When we got back John ordered it from and we can pick it up on Friday!  And the best part... it was cheaper than ordering it from Amazon or directly from Coleman!  By then it was supper time and we were both hungry for pizza.  So we drove to Matteo's... the little Italian restaurant we enjoyed so much last week.  It was really good and we brought half of it back so we can enjoy it again!!  We watched some more football when we got back and then went to bed.

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