Friday, October 23, 2015

A Day on Cumberland Island, GA.

   I got up at 7:45 and John went out walking.
Looks like this hawk was posing, huh?
An Ibis
  I made the bed, put the clean dishes away, packed up the beach bag, and took Kylie out.  John got back about 9:00 and made egg sandwiches.  I did some vacuuming and then we left for St. Mary's at 9:45.  I talked to Heather and Cooper on the way.  We had to check in at the ferry by 11:15 for our 11:45 ferry ride over to Cumberland Island.  We had some time to kill, so I walked a few blocks to the main drag to take some pictures.

The whole middle of the main street was decorated
for Halloween with scenes from represented businesses.


Theater Company.


Park Ranger

The downtown was full of little quaint shops.
  After a 15 minute briefing on Island etiquette we boarded the ferry at about 12:00. 
A picture from the dock before we left.
We got to the island at 12:40 and had a 20 minute walk to the beach.
Driftwood on the shore line.

The trees are all gnarly from the sea air and create
 quite a canopy for John to walk through.

This hammock was right beside the wooden walkway onto the beach.
  It was pretty Underwhelming!  We were under the impression that there were lots of big shells on the island, but we didn't find much!!  The beach was nice, but the water was dirty just like on Jekyll.  As a matter of fact, the whole beach reminded us of South beach on Jekyll.  We could have saved a bunch of money and time if we would have just stayed on Jekyll.  In all fairness, though, there is more to see on the island... lots of history.  Oh, well, consider it another adventure! 
Here's our haul from today.  John found the
beautiful conch shell and sea urchin (2nd down
from top right corner)

View from dock before we left the island.

There are lots of wild horses on the island.

We left the beach at 3:30 to make sure we would not be late for the 4:45 ferry.  It was a little nippy going back.
Nothing but water!

This sail boat was tied up at the dock when we got in.
  We were back on shore by 5:30.  We stopped at Winn Dixie on the way home and pulled into our parking spot at 6:30.
Gorgeous sunset on the causeway into Jekyll!

These are called "Red Bugs".  They owned or rented
and used like golf carts all over the island!
  It was another long day for Kylie, but she did great!  She was anxious to go outside, though!  We had supper and watched TV.  Then I cleaned and oiled today's shells, bleached some sand dollars, and worked on my blog. 
These are the finished product... all oiled up!
John went to bed about 11:00 and I finished the blog about 1:00.  Tomorrow there will be no schedules and we will stay close to home!

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