Thursday, October 8, 2015

Another Great Beach Day!

  John was already out walking when I got up at 7:30.  When he got back at 8:00 I was already working on the breakfast I owed him... French Toast and bacon.  It was pretty darn yummy if I do say so myself.  Kylie even got a piece!  We packed a couple of snacks, changed into our suits, and off we went to the main beach on Jekyll... Great Dunes.  The temp was in the mid 70's and very breezy and humid with "intermittent" clouds.  At first it was a bit chilly when the sun went in, but as the day went on it got warmer and the clouds were welcomed.

Here are all the "intermittent" clouds

Got a bit chilly several times... had to wrap up in a towel.


A good day for kite flying!

 John got 12,000 steps in on the beach but didn't find any shells. 
I did some reading, Yahtzee, and Sudoku puzzles.  I checked out the water once... it was very warm, but dirty.
Which way did they go??  This is our space when
John is walking and I'm checking out the water.

  The tide was coming in pretty fast, so we packed it up at 4:00 and left.  We decided to go out for supper, so we got showers and drove off the island in search of an Italian restaurant.  We found one in a strip mall called Matteo's.  It was delicious!!  We both brought half of our meals home.  We picked up a few groceries at Publix which was right next door to the restaurant and then came back to Harvey.  Once we were back on Jekyll we saw (and talked to) 14 deer on the way back to the CG.  They are so beautiful!  John did some reading while I watched Project Runway and worked on my blog.  He went to bed at 9:45 and I waited for a call from our granddaughter, Alexandra.  She called about 10:00.  She is doing great successfully juggling 2 jobs, college, and helping her mom take care of the house.  There is a lot of remodeling being done at the house right now, too, that adds some extra stress.  But she seems to be handling it all very well.  We continue to be very proud of her!  We continue to have a great time here at Jekyll, but...
It's 11:00...I'm going to bed.

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