Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Change of Plans Because of the Wind

   When we got up this morning our plan was to drive to Fernandina Beach near Jacksonville to look for more baby ear shells.  But that beach has pretty soft sand and because of the strong wind it would probably have been nasty.  Also, low tide was at 8am today and by the time we would have gotten there the tide would have been coming back in, making it hard to find shells.  So we ditched that idea and decided to go to the movies instead.  Bonnie called while I was eating breakfast and we chatted for about 20 minutes or so.  They are on their way to Tennessee to meet and visit with some of Chuck and Melissa's family.  We were hoping to be able to meet up with them when they head to Florida, but the closest they will get to us is Atlanta and that is pretty far from where we will be.  So it just won't work out :(  John wanted to walk, so I told him to go ahead and get started and I would catch up to him on my bike.  I wanted to ride on his walking path so I could catch a glimpse of the Roseate Spoon Bills in person.  But it wasn't meant to be... we miscommunicated on the direction John was going and the birds were no where to be found.  We were too late.  I guess it's really true that "the early worm catches the bird".  Now wait, that doesn't sound right!?!?  We stopped at the beach and fishing pier at Clam Creek and then went back to Harvey and Kylie.
Not sure what kind of bird this is.
Is this a blue egret?
This is a blue heron
This is an ibis
This is proof that deer DO go to the beach.

This is a piece of driftwood that is a whole tree!
That's the fishing pier and the Sydney Lanier bridge in the background.

You can ride horses back here, too. 
 We had some lunch, I uploaded some pictures from the camera and my phone, and we left about 3:00 for the theater.  We saw "Bridge of Spies" with Tom Hanks as a lawyer asked by the gov't to defend a Russian spy caught in the US.  While that was going on an American pilot working for the CIA on a spy mission in Russia was shot down and held hostage.  There was also an American student trying to cross over from West Germany into East Germany that was held hostage as a spy.  The CIA asked Tom Hanks to go to Berlin to make an exchange deal between the Russian spy and the two Americans.  It was based on a true story.  It was OK, but didn't keep me on the edge of my seat.  We were hungry by the time the movie was over, so we stopped on the way home at the Marshside Bar and Grille just off Jekyll.  The parking lot has always been full every time we went past it so we thought we ought to try it.  We both had grouper.  I had a sandwich and John had a basket.  It was very good and reasonably priced.

This WAS a piece of Oreo mousse pie.  We ate the whole thing!!

  When we got back to Harvey we played a game of 500 Rummy...I won, actually John gave in, and then I watched The Voice and Chicago Fire and worked on my blog.  John watched TV in the bedroom.  He went to bed about 10:30 and joined him after finishing the blog at 1:00.

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