Sunday, October 11, 2015

Went to St Simons Island Today

   John slept in today since he is ahead of schedule with his walking.  We got up about 8:00 and then John cooked "dippy" eggs for breakfast.   We decided to go to church this morning and we picked the Baptist one here on the island.   So I showered and got dressed and we were out the door at 10:40. (the service started at 11:00.  I had no idea what to expect and I did ask John if he thought we might be the only "white" people there.  Well, much to our surprise, ALL the people there were white!  And when walked in the door we were greeted by the Minister who informed us that they were serving a pot luck lunch today after the service.  YUM!!  It was a great service.  I knew all the music and the gentleman who provided the special music sang, "People Need the Lord",  a song I have sung several times for special music.  He was so good... sang with so much feeling!!  All the visitors got a fresh baked mini loaf of bread and much friendly attention.  The atmosphere was so laid back yet so meaningful.  And the message was great. We will definitely go back.  From there we drove over to St Simon Island for the Arts and Craft show. 


This is the Sydney Lanier Bridge we have to cross
just off the island.  It's the one that is 1.5 miles long!


This is a ferry we spotted while crossing the bridge.
That's Jekyll Island in the far background. 
The CG is on the far left end.

This was crossing a different bridge going in to St Simon.
It looks like the Highway to Heaven, doesn't it?!?

This is the marina just before entering St Simon.

  It started to drizzle on the way and kept drizzling off and on the whole time we were there.  But it wasn't enough to even put up the umbrella.  We lucked out!  Didn't see anything at the show that we couldn't live without, so we checked out the little shops all along the pier area.  John went walking on his own while I shopped.
There were a lot of neat shops, but I got most of my things
at a shop called, "One of a Kind".  It was very unique...
had a little bit of everything! 

Some beautiful pictures John took while walking.

That's Jekyll Island in the background.
  I did find a few things I couldn't live without and also got a few
Christmas presents.  I had fun!  We left there about 4:30 and when we got back to the CG, we watched some football.  We ate our leftovers from the Italian restaurant and then SKYPED with Heather and Cooper and then Dustin, Cathy, Emma and Ellie.  It was sure good to talk with them AND see their faces.  TW, Arlena and Bennett were unavailable tonight, so we'll SKYPE with them tomorrow night.  John fooled around on the computer for a while, I took Kylie for a walk and then changed into my jammies.  I worked on my blog, John went to bed at 10:15, and I will join him as soon as I'm finished with the blog.  Tomorrow is supposed to be a decent weather day, so, hopefully we'll get to the beach.

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