Friday, October 9, 2015

Relaxing Day on Jekyll

   John was out walking when I woke up at 8:30.
The walking/biking trails here on Jekyll are gorgeous...
...that's one of the reasons we like it here so much!
The Spanish moss creates an arbor effect
Looking out over the marsh
The bridge in the background is almost 1.5 miles long.
It is just outside the entrance to Jekyll and takes
you over to Brunswick and St Simon's Island.
  I did my exercises and didn't roll out of bred until 9:30. (I got hooked on a couple of episodes of Flea Market Flip). John was all bit up from the mosquitos.  Apparently, they are going to spray this evening.  Yea!!  We decided not to have any breakfast because we are going down the road at 11:30 today to the Golden Isle CG for their fried shrimp/catfish buffet.  They catch the shrimp and catfish in the morning, lightly bread it and serve it at 11 am.  They also have clam chowder and several veggies, beans, grits, rice, spaghetti casserole, hush puppies, and biscuits on the buffet.  And there's a salad bar and dessert bar all for $10.50 including water or iced tea. We've been looking forward to this for a year!!
Oh, my, the shrimp were soooo good!!
  It was delicious, just like we remembered!!  When we left the CG it was pouring.  But by the time we drove the 3 miles to Jekyll the sun was shining!  But it was so hot and humid without any breeze that we decided not to go to the beach today.  John's belly was upset and he was tired, so I decided to drive down to the new Shoppes near the entrance to Jekyll so he could take a nap.  I had a blast!!  The shoppes were very cute, diverse, and relatively inexpensive.  I bought an eyeglass holder for around my neck, which I've been wanting, and a book by Max Lucado..."You'll Get Through This".  I got back about 4:30 and John and Kylie were outside watching "Emergency"... remember that old show?  He was also in the middle of doing the laundry.  I'm a lucky lady, huh?!?  We sat outside another hour or so and then went inside to eat about 6:00.  They are spraying at 7:30, so we'll have to stay inside.  Me thinks it will be a game night.  I wonder who will have to cook breakfast tomorrow morning?  No more wondering... it's me!  John miraculously won Toss Up!!  I had 110 pts and he had 0, but on his last turn he scored 115 pts!!!!!!!!  Then he beat me at 500 Rummy, too.  Because of all that abuse I made him take me to DQ.  It was worth the loss!  We didn't see any deer on the way out, but on the way back we saw 11.  We never get tired of seeing them!
This guy just happened to be standing near a spotlight,
so I was able to get his picture.
  Tomorrow there's a half marathon on the island and an arts and craft festival and flea market on St Simon's Island.  It should be interesting trying to get off of Jekyll.  But it is supposed to rain which might change plans altogether! 

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