Monday, February 1, 2016

Uneventful, Relaxing Day Today!

   We got up about 8:00 and John cooked breakfast.  I left at 9:15 for my chiropractor appt. in Cape Coral.  I think Dr. Jeter has magical powers...he took most of my sciatica pain away!  Then I gassed up the Jeep, went to Home Depot, and headed to Fort Myers to the nearest Hobby Lobby to get magnets for my pins.  Traffic was crazy!  I was wishing I was back at the CG at the pool because it was a BEAUTIFUL day!!  I called Dad on the way home and I'm happy to report that he sounded like his old self!  He does have a UTI again that they are treating, so that could have been a lot of the cause of his recent "stupors".   Mom sounded good, too.  When I turned on to Pine Island road, traffic was all backed up.  No wonder...the CG expected at least 100 new check ins today!  But the cute little town on the way, Matlacha (mat-la-shay') can cause back ups, too, because of pedestrians crossing the road.  And, of course, there's the drawbridge and the birds that like to take their time crossing the street.  Oh, well, it's not like the pool was waiting or anything.
Almost every house, business or building in
Matlacha is brightly painted.
Makes you wonder whether it is mandatory.
This is my favorite shop.  Very reasonably priced
jewelry and clothing.  And the owner is so nice! 
The guy on the chair sure looks real!!
  I had to stop at the grocery store, too.  I never got back to the CG until 2:00!  John was out walking and biking most of the time I was gone.  He rescued a gopher turtle from being squashed!  My hero!! 
The turtle is safe and sound and crawling toward the canal.

In the development John was walking thru he saw
this cute manatee mailbox...

...and 2 signs only Northerners can appreciate!

That's an eagle!

A great white heron

He was surprised to see 4 empty sites when the
CG was expecting so many check ins today!
When I got back we changed into our bathing suits and walked down to the pool.  It was packed, but pretty soon some lounge chairs opened up.  A gal sitting next to me saw my big drink jug from the Manheim Auto Auction and asked if I was from there,  Then she said, "Oh, your Bonnie's sister, aren't you"?  It was Nancy and Neil, full-timers, who we met thru Bonnie and Ken here last year.  I think they were originally from the Ephrata area.  It was good to see them again!  They will be here for the month.  We stayed at the pool until about 5:30.  I made pork quesadillas for supper and then finished my pins while John read and watched TV.  I talked to Bonnie to let her know I spoke with Dad.  I also wanted to make sure her lip was healing OK.  It is...she has had no pain...just has to keep it greased up and bandaged so a scab doesn't form and cause a scar.  We went to bed about 10:30. 

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