Wednesday, March 23, 2016

A "Hang Around the CG" Day

   John had a restless night for some reason.  We got up at 7:30 because of the guy coming from Safelite to fix the windshield.  He was to be here between 9:00 and 12:00.  We had breakfast and then got text that he would arrive about 9:45...and he did!  He was all finished by 10:15 and we can hardly see the crack.  It's amazing how they do that!  Because my hips were hurting me, we decided to just go down to the pool instead of going to the beach.  It really helps me when I do my exercises in the pool.  John headed down to the pool while I put the pictures on yesterday's blog.  It took a lot longer than it should have because the computer kept acting up.  I finally joined him about 11:30.  Boy, was that sun ever hot!  We spent some time in the pool and then got out and did some reading.  We came back to Harvey at 1:30 for lunch.
We stopped to "talk" with this gecko.
  John needed a nap and he asked if I wanted to go shopping.  I want to find some "beachy" type jewelry that I can use to make my magnetic pins and I figure they would be easier to find in Florida than at home.  So, at 2:45 I took Jeepie on a road trip to the Desoto Mall in Bradenton.  It only took about 20 minutes straight out Rte 41 South.  It ended up being a pretty crappy mall with at least 1/3 of the stores closed or empty.  It was anchored by Sears and JCPenney.  I did find some cute inexpensive butterfly earrings for my pins, but it was quite disappointing!  I got back about 5:30 and John had cleaned all the windows inside and outside of Harvey!  He also put Rain-X on the windshield.  Thanks, Honey!!  Then he showered and we headed out to guess where...

No...not here silly...but THERE...

A beautiful "Sonnyset" on the way back to the CG!

Oh, it was soooo good!!  I talked to Bonnie on the way home.  They made it to Santee, GA, 98 miles into the state, and decided to stop for the night at a Comfort Inn.  They drove over 600 miles today having to drive 100 miles south from their CG to Lazy Days to leave Waldo, then back north again. 

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