Monday, March 21, 2016

A VERY Cool, Lazy Day!

John was up about 7:30 and I woke up about 8:30, but I didn't get my lazy bones out of be until 10:00!  It was only 47 degrees outside, so I felt no need to get out of my warm bed.  And, besides that, it was kind of fun to watch old westerns in bed.  I forgot to mention in yesterday's blog that around 9:00 last night we heard a loud noise outside Harvey that sounded like something broke or cracked.  It was dark, so we didn't check it out.  Well, this morning when I woke up I was thinking about the incident.  I told John that I hoped the tiny nick we had on the windshield from a previous stone hit on the highway didn't suddenly crack.  John walked the trash down this morning and when he got back he said that, unfortunately, I was kind of right.  There was a new "ding" smack dab in the top middle of the windshield about the size of a dime.  It actually looks like a shot from a pellet gun! (but we can't be sure)  He reported it to the office and they said they recently did have an incident of a gun shot in the CG from across the lake that's behind the houses across from us.  We called our insurance company and SafeLight will be here Wed morning to fix it.  It all kind of gives us the creeps, but I guess people wouldn't live here if it wasn't safe.  WE are hoping, though that the guy from SafeLight might be able to identify the mark, just so we know. I had breakfast and then went to the Post Office to mail some Easter packages to the grandkids.  John did a load of wash while I was gone.  Then I joined him at the laundry to help finish up and to play shuffleboard.  Even though the sun was shining brightly, it was still chilly...we needed sweatshirts.  The courts are right beside the laundry.  I beat him 82-32...he couldn't seem to escape the -10 space!  We had some leftovers for lunch and then decided to go down to the pool to read and bask in the sun. John put his suit on, but I didn't.  It was nice and warm while the sun was out, but chilly when it went in.  We only lasted about an hour.  It was 5:30 by now and John was ready for some supper. (I wasn't because I had eaten lunch later then him)  I did cut up some fresh fruit and I had that.  John did some more reading and I watched TV just waiting for The Voice.  I missed last weeks shows, so I was excited to see it this week.  John went to bed at 10:00 and I joined him about 11:15.  It's supposed to be warmer tomorrow, so, hopefully, we'll get to the beach again tomorrow.  We were going to go to a Phillies spring training game, but it is a split team, there are no good seats left, and the tix are expensive!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, talk about excitement. What did you do to make the neighbors angry? So glad they can fix it quickly. On our way to PA tomorrow morning. Can't believe the 3 months are up! Where does the time go?
