Sunday, March 13, 2016

A Lazy Sunday!

John slept in until 8:30, and even though I woke up about 10:00 (yes, I said 10:00) I didn't roll out of bed until about 11:00.  It was fun to watch TV in bed!!  I ate breakfast and then we got ready to go down to the pool/hot tub.  I set up the computer under the patio to use the CG's free Wi-Fi and tried to catch up on my blogs.  But it was VERY slow when trying to download my pictures and it started acting up in other ways, so I scrapped that idea.  Bonnie had called to ask if we wanted to play some shuffleboard around 2:00.  So we headed to the courts by the pool and the gang played until about 4:00.  We had a fun time.  If I remember correctly, Ken and John were the big winners.  John just couldn't seem to miss today...way to go  Honey!

I'm not sure if I had a good shot or not...probably not!

Good form, Melissa!!
    I  showered and got ready to go to "Fire and Stone Pizza" in Cortez about 45 minutes from the CG.  It's one of our favorite places to eat in this area.  For $8.99 you get the pizza buffet, salad and soup bar, and choice of 5 different sundaes! 
There is usually about 10 kinds od pizza on the buffet.
Looks yummy, doesn't it?!?
We already woofed down 1/2 of our strawberry
and hot fudge/strawberry sundaes.
With full bellies we left there about 7:00 and then joined the gang at Chuck and Melissa's RV for cards.  We played Skip-O and Up and Down the River and the men won both, although both games were close!  We left about 10:30 and I went right to bed while John stayed up to read.  Not sure when he came to bed.

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