Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Back to Sebring for the Talent Show

   I got up about 8:00...John was already up and cooking breakfast.  He made a potato, bacon and onion mixture and then topped it off with "dippy" eggs and toast.  It was delicious.  We ate about 8:45 and then I got showered, fixed my face and put on my costume to get ready to head to Buttonwood Bay Resort in Sebring.  It's a 2 hour drive, but we wanted to leave some wiggle room in case of traffic, so we left at 10:30.  I wanted to be there no later than 1:00 so I could go over my song beforehand.  There was a dress rehearsal on Saturday, but George said I didn't have to come because of the distance.  We got there right about 12:30 and George and company were there, so we went over my song a couple of times.  John went for a walk.
WOW!  Look at that neat driveway!
These are the roots of the Cypress Trees
coming up from the ground.  They call them "KNEES".

  The afternoon show started at 2:00.  There were 20 acts...harmonica, guitar, piano, and fiddle playing...stand up comedy and singing.  It really was a great show...a lot of very talented people!!  The show lasted until a little after 4:00.  
The "Sisters" doing their morning exercises to
the "Tooty-Tah" song
"Thumbs up, elbows back, feet apart, knees together,
bottoms up, tongues out, a tooty tah, a tooty tah,
a tooty tah tah".

The whole audience got in on the act.  It was quite a crowd!

Frank, the stand up comedian was very funny...
he had a great delivery!


"Willie Nelson's Kissin' Cousin"


That's Phyllis playing the piano.  She was phenomenal!!
The gentleman in the background is George, one of the
co-ordinators of the show.

This is Larry.  He and Phyllis played together. 
He was equally phenomenal!!

The many faces of "A Girl Who Cain't Say, No"



This is Bob.  He did a great Christian song about acceptance.

This is the whole cast.  It was so much fun!

We had made plans the day before to meet up with our friends from Mount Joy who live in a community just a few miles from Buttonwwood, John and Lorraine Gerlach and Ed and Carol Landis.  And as a bonus, Bob and Deb Smeal were there visiting, too!  So the 8 of us went to the Palm Diner in Sebring for supper.  The food was great and so was the company.  We had a wonderful time!!  Then back to Buttonwood for the 7:00 show.  One of the stand up comedians had some pretty risqué material, so I asked George if I could tell my "Jakie and Sadie" Amish joke.  He said, "Go for it!"  The audience loved it!!  Then I did my song.  The evening show was even better than the afternoon show.  I think it's because it's dark and you can't see the audience's faces.  It makes you less nervous.
The evening show was packed, also.
  We left about 9:15 and got back about 11:00.  I called Mom on the way home...everyone is doing well.  She said she will be moving back into her room on the 15th.  She's looking very forward to getting back to the 2nd floor and her window above her desk!!  She also told me that she and Dad were outside on their scooters today...it was 72 degrees!  And tomorrow it supposed to be even warmer!! WOW!!   I went right to bed when we got back, but John stayed up to read.  His hip was hurting him a lot!  I don't know when he came to bed, but he said he had trouble falling asleep because of some sort of noise I was making.  Whatever could that be??? 

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