Thursday, March 24, 2016

Our Last Special Trip to Manasota Beach

   We woke up at about 7:30.  Shortly there after John had egg sandwiches ready for us for breakfast.  We got into our bathing suits and left for Manasota Beach at 8:50.  Rhonda was planning on meeting us there at 10:00, but she called to let us know she would be late because of an accident on I-75.  We got there at 9:30, and, of course, I got busy right away looking for teeth.  Rhonda arrived at about 10:45 and she joined me.

What form, what style, what grace for a novice!

Hey, give that back.  I found it first!

  Even though we found quite a few teeth it wasn't easy.  We had to work a lot harder than usual!
Found one!  The bag I got when I joined AARP
comes in real handy!!

I got pretty far in the water today.  Truth be told...I had to "pee".
  John had the biggest pay-off finding the BIG one!
Wow. did John hit pay dirt or what!?!  And
he found it just laying among some shells
away from the surf!

John didn't find as many as I did, but his were bigger. 

I actually did better than I thought!
  It really was a lovely day for the beach...warm, but not stifling or humid.
It was pretty full today...even at 9:30!
  It was so nice to spend the day with Rhonda, too.  She is such a good friend and a wonderful person!
My buddy, Rhonda.  I miss the good times we
used to have in York!!
  She left at 3:30 and we said our goodbyes because we won't get to see each other again before we leave for home.  John and I left at 5:30.  I called Bonnie after we got on the road and they had just gotten home about 10 minutes before I called.  They drove 620 miles today.  Now, that's a long day of driving!!  When we got back we showered and John grilled chicken.  It was very good!  Dustin let us know that his flight went well and he was home.  He had been in Orlando for work since Sunday.  We were hoping that maybe we could get together while he was in Florida, but it just didn't work out.  Then we thought we'd try playing "Up and Down the River" with just the 2 of us.  I just barely won, but it was pretty dumb.  Don't think we'll try that again!!  I watched Am Idol while John read.  Heather called at 10:20 to let me know that she is having some painful contractions.  There's no regularity to them just constant.  She has a dr. appt tomorrow morning, so she will keep me posted.  John went to bed at 10:30 and I joined him at 11:30.  If the weather cooperates we plan on going to Clearwater tomorrow night to see a Phillies spring training game.  We might check out Tarpon Springs also.

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