Thursday, March 10, 2016

Moving Day

   We got up about 8:00, had breakfast, and started to prepare for our departure from Rambler's Rest in Venice.  I walked the trash and recyclables down to the dumpsters and on the way I stopped to talk with one of our neighbors who was out working on a craft.  I spied a dog inside her screen house that looked just like Rossi.  She told me that she rescued "Slick" from a CG where the campers left without him...can you imagine!!  I went and got John to come over to visit.  We went back to Harvey to continue packing up and Gary and Jan came over to swap addresses and phone#'s, and to say good-bye.  They were also leaving today and heading to Anna Marie Island just NW of Bradenton.  We took off right at 11:00 and started our 35 minute trip to Winters Quarter Manatee in Bradenton.  We arrived about 11:45 and pulled into our spot about 12:00.  We have a nice site not too far from Bonnie and Ken.  We were all set up by 1:30 and then we had lunch.  John happened to see that there was a Karaoke show scheduled for Sat night and a practice from 4-7:00 tonight  I participated in the show last year while were here...what a coincidence!  So I rode down to the CH to see if I could still participate.  No one there to ask, so I rode down to the office and they said I should just show up for the practice.  WOW...I get to perform's so much fun!!  Then Bonnie called to see if I wanted to go shopping this evening when the gang gets back from their bike ride, about 6:00.  I certainly won't pass that up!!  I got to the CH a little before 4:00 and recognized the guy and gal running the karaoke equipment.  I also recognized some of the performers.  As a matter or fact one of the guys who I really enjoyed listening to last year, his name is Jim, asked me if I wanted to sing Island in the Stream with him.  We tried it.  It went ok, but we'll need some practice.  I practiced, "Could I Have This Dance", "Blue Bayou", and "I Cain't Say No".  Bonnie texted me to tell me that they got stuck in traffic and she won't be ready to go shopping until 6:30.  I got done about 6:15, picked up Bonnie, and off we went to Bealls Outlet just a few miles from the CG.  We closed the store and then stopped at Walmart because I needed to pick up some groceries including some ear plugs to try to mask the I-75 highway noise for all of us. Bonnie wanted a Shamrock shake from McDonalds which just happened to be inside the Walmart.  She called Mom while I was shopping and all is well...she didn't have a blood clot in her leg, but she is developing a cold.  I got a hot fudge sundae at Mickey D's for John and I.  We got back to the CG at 9:45.  Ken and John were both already in bed (not together :).  John was actually sleeping quite soundly when I got back, so he didn't get to enjoy the sundae.  I stuck it in the freezer.  I went to bed about 11:00.

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