Sunday, March 20, 2016

Back to Manasota Beach for my Shark Tooth Fix!

   I woke up this morning at 8:15 to the smell of potatoes and bacon.  My honey had breakfast almost ready for us.  I'm so lucky!!  We decided to take a chance and head to Manasota Beach even though the forecast was a bit "iffy".  We left at 10:30 and arrived at about 11:20 without a hitch!  We were surprised to see the parking lot only half full.  I guess the forecast kept people away.  The sky cleared and all was well.  I started on my teeth hunt and John went walking.    It turned out to be a beautiful day at the beach!  I finally sat down at about 2:30 and the clouds starting rolling in.  I had a snack and John went for another walk.  I'm happy to report that his hip isn't bothering him at all!  I went back out to search for more teeth, but didn't have much luck like earlier in the day, so I sat back down and waited for John to return.  We left at 4:30 and stopped at Walmart for a couple of things.  We got home about 6:30, took showers, and then John grilled steaks.  They were yummy!!  I worked on the blog while John read and we went to bed about 10:00. 
There weren't a lot of people there today,
but the water was warm and beautiful!
John found the teeth on the top and I found
the ones on the bottom...about 200 all together.
The white one in the upper left corner is a
one of my favorite "baby ears".  I was
really surprised to find it here!!  There's
also a piece of sea glass.  I found some
shell pieces for you, too, Sis.

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