Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Another Day in Paradise!

  We woke up early after finally getting a good night's sleep.  John already had breakfast cooking...home fries and eggs.  It's so nice to have breakfast waiting for me when I gat up.  Thanks so much, honey!!  Nancy stopped by to invite us to see "Risen" at the movie theater with 2 other couples later this afternoon and then maybe supper.  We have been wanting to see that, so we will join them.  I have been having some stomach and intestinal issue the last few days, so John thought sanitizing the water lines and tanks might help.  So while he did that I did the laundry.  He helped me carry it down and then he went for a "short" walk because his hip is still causing him problems.  Me thinks he might have walked too much on the beach yesterday!  The laundry and the sanitation process was done by 12:00 and then we walked down to the pool.  The heaters in the hot tub and the pool were finally working so we took advantage of both of them.  It was another gorgeous day to be outside, but we only stayed until 2:15 because we had to get ready for the movie.  We left at 3:30 and met everyone at the theater just a few miles from the CG.  It was good and we would recommend it although I had a little trouble with one part of the story line that didn't seem probable.  Then we all had supper at Applebys.  Nancy and Bob are from Chambersburg, but they now live near Lynchburg, VA. 
Nancy and Bob are so nice.  They kindly invited us to
their lake side home in VA.  Look out, guys, we just might show up!!
When we got back at about 8:30 we went over to visit with Norma and Dana and Bailey to get pictures.  We chatted with them until 9:00 or so.  John did a few chores outside to get ready for our move tomorrow and I worked on the blog.  We went to bed at 10:30.  We are kind of sad to be leaving here tomorrow.  We have thoroughly enjoyed our stay and have met some wonderful people!!

1 comment:

  1. Where are they from in Chambersburg? Where did they work?
