Thursday, March 3, 2016

Sad Goodbye to Pioneer Village!

     It's moving day today.  It's kind of bittersweet because we have met such nice people here and we had such a good site.  AND we didn't get to say good-bye to Genji, the pug.  We also just met the new people behind us.  They are from Milton, PA and were a lot of fun.  Wish we could have gotten to know them a little better.  But we exchanged info and, who knows, maybe we will meet up again sometime.  We got up about 7:30 and took our time getting everything put away.  We weren't in any hurry because check out wasn't until 11:00 and check in at Rambler's Rest wasn't until 1:00.  After breakfast John went down to the office to let them know how much we enjoyed our stay and to thank them for arranging for us to stay the extra week.  Holly, especially, was so accommodating!!  We chatted with Dana from next door and with Chester and Sandy out back.  We were all ready to go, but decided to get in the Jeep and drive around the CG to try to find Genji, the pug.  Sadly, we had no luck.:(  We pulled out of the CG about 11:00 then stopped down the road a bit at Love's to gas up Harvey and hook up the Jeep.  We arrived at Rambler's Rest near Venice at 12:30.  After getting our bill straightened out we pulled into site C-176.  It's a premium site with 50 amp service (we only had 30 amp at Pioneer Villager and Pine Island).  The sight is nice but has big ruts in the front and back from all the wetness.  We're going to try to rake some of them out tomorrow.  We were all set up by 2:00.  We had some lunch and then went to the pool.  the sun never did come out, but John used the hot tub.  We left at 4:30 and then sat outside for about an hour reading and watching TV.  It got chilly so we came inside and heated up some leftovers for supper.  After supper I called Bonnie to make sure they got settled at Manatee.  They are doing well although their site and Melissa and Chuck's site are not very close together. But they will manage just fine! Then I called Dad.  We chatted for about 20 minutes.  He sounded great!  His infection is much better, but he still feels like a prisoner with all his seating areas being wired so the nurses can keep track of him.  He just laughed about it, though.  What a guy!!  He told me that Arlena and Bennett had just been there to visit and that the 3 of them played the marble game.  He said Bennett did very well!  Mom is doing well, too.  She is scheduled to move back into her redecorated room on the 15th.  Hopefully, her grandchildren will help her get unpacked.  Then Arlena called on her way home from visiting Dad.  Bennett told me all his dentist appt.  He had a cavity filled.  I don't think we did that for our kids at that age.  How times have changed!  TW was out of town training someone for the company.  They are enjoying the new house, just need to get everything unpacked.  I can hardly wait to see it and help them with the decorating!!  I watched American Idol.  John went to bed about 10:00 and I worked on the blog until 11:00 and then turned in.  John's hip is a little better, but I'm still having some stomach and intestinal pain.  I'm going to try drinking water instead of iced tea and see if that makes a difference.

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