Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Back to Manasota Beach

   It was quite cool when we got up this morning...42 degrees.  John heated up some leftover breakfast potatoes and eggs and then we got ready to head back to Manasota Beach.  By the time we left the temp was about 60.  We stopped at the post office and then hit the highway.  I called Dad to see how he was doing, and I'm happy to report that he sounded great! We got to the beach about 11:00 and the temp was 65 and the wind was blowing, but the sun was shining brightly.  I had to put on my sweatshirt to look for teeth, but after an hour or so I didn't need it anymore.
It was a grand day to be at the beach...we had a "green" flag today!

Not too many people on this side yet.

But this side was much more full!

I'm not the only one who spends a lot of time
in this position :)

there were lots of shark teeth in those piles of shells!

  John went walking.  He was going a long time!  He walked over 16,000 steps...no wonder he was gone for so long!!  Obviously, his hip is much better. 
He's headed down the beach...

...getting closer to the bend...

...around the bend.

A sole blue heron enjoying the beach, too.

I think these are just some rock formations
that became uncovered.

Sailboats are so majestic, aren't they?!?

Now, that's a good size boat!!

Shells were washing up like this all day!

Not sure if this is the same heron, but he must
have gotten hot...he's in the water now.
The beach was a treasure trove for teeth today.  We both found a lot of big ones, especially early in the day.  I finally sat down at 2:00 and returned a call to Michele.  She wanted to talk about plans for Todd's (Alexandra's boyfriend) graduation from boot camp at Lackland AF Base in San Antonio, TX the beginning of July.  John went for another walk and got back to the hunt.
Gotta find just 1 more nice one before we leave!
  By the end of the day we had over 400 sharks teeth!!
There is all out treasures.  You can see by the penny
how big some of them are.  I had a ball!!
  It was so fun, but my hips are paying the price!  We left the beach about 5:00 and stopped at Walmart before heading home.  I returned a call to Bonnie.  She and Ken are leaving their CG early tomorrow morning and driving to Lazy Days to leave Waldo behind for some work that needs done.  They hope to leave for home by 10:00 or so.  Just doesn't seem possible that the "snowbird" months have gone by so quickly.  Heck...we'll be leaving for home in 10 days unless Heather's baby decides to come sooner!  Then I returned a call to Mom and we talked mostly about the motorized chair that Dad is getting thru Medicaid.  He got a letter saying that he has been approved and should have it in 15 days.  Previously he was told he wouldn't have it until December.  And since the one he has been using at Masonic "konked out", we all hope Medicaid will come thru as stated in the letter!!  We got back to Harvey at 6:45, took showers, and made steak sandwiches with the leftover skirt steak from 2 nights ago.  Gosh, they were good!!  Then it was time for The Voice.  John read his book.  We had some fresh fruit and pound cake, watched a bit more TV and then went to bed about 10:30. 

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