Tuesday, January 6, 2015

1st Full Day on Pine Island

  John got up early and went for a walk, bike ride and to the small fitness room on the CG.  I slept in until 8am.  I sure wish I could join him, but my hip just isn't strong enough yet.  John cooked some egg sandwiches for breakfast.  Bonnie called to let us know that she and Ken decided to leave at 3am this morning and they were already in N. Carolina.  They hit some bad weather around Washington DC and passed several accidents, but they got through all right.  She also told me that former neighbors of theirs who are full time RVers arrived here yesterday.  She told them our site # and they will stop by.  Then we headed out to do some shopping.  Before we got back at 2:00 we had hit Walmart, CVS, Dollar General, Lowe's, a medical supply store, and Winn Dixie where we brought home some fried chicken for lunch.  Then we walked down to the pool about 3pm.  We got in the hot tub and talked with a couple from Wisconsin for about an hour and a half.  They decided this past Saturday to leave freezing cold Wisconsin for warmer weather.  They were going to go to Corpus Christie, Texas but found out it was to be unseasonably cold there, so they changed their plans and headed for Florida with just a tent to stay in.  Sue is a real estate agent and Brad is a maintenance man at a nursing home.  Sue had some real interesting stories about her business over the years!!  They were going to Woody's for supper and invited us to go along, but since we ate lunch pretty late we declined.  We invited them to stop by for a beer, but Sue said they might be too tired having been at Sanibel Island all day.  Brad had quite a sunburn!  We do hope to get together with them soon.  (We found out later that they had stopped by but they thought it looked as though we had bedded down for the night, so they left.)  While I was getting my shower Bonnie's former neighbors, Darlene and Russ stopped by.  We have their site # now so we will get together one way or another.  We decided to go to Dairy Queen and have blizzards for supper.  They are soooo good!!  Bonnie called after we got back and they reached St. Mary, Georgia where they ate at the same Sonny's that had run out of pulled pork when we were there.  They are staying near there for the night and are headed for the Tampa area tomorrow.  John read most of the evening while I worked on our blog.  He turned in about 10:00.  I watched Chicago Fire and finished the blog about 12:30am.  We're hoping to get to the beach tomorrow before the cold front moves in on Thursday.  I promise to take lots of pictures!

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