Sunday, January 18, 2015

Moving Day!

    Today we moved from Pine Island to Fort Myers RV Resort.  It's about a 50 minute drive and closer to the beach... yea!!  John got us all unhooked and cleaned up outside while I batted down the hatches inside.  We enjoyed our stay on Pine Island and will definitely return in the future!  We hooked up the Jeep and off we went about 10:30.  We missed an exit on the way, but other than that it was an easy drive.  It was pretty neat to go past things we recognized from former trips here to visit with Bonnie and Ken.  We even passed the last Holiday Inn Express we stayed at in Cape Coral.  That was before we had our own RV!!!!  It almost doesn't seem real yet.  Anyway, we arrived at the resort about 11:30 and shortly after checking in we were met by a gentleman in a golf cart who was going to escort us to our site.  The sites are pretty small so he asked John to take a trip with him to the site to show him how to get there and the plan to pull in.  During their trip he asked John where we were from and when he found out we were from Lancaster Co. he told John that he has camped in Hershey and Manheim!  Now wasn't that a coincidence.  I was so nervous following Harvey in the Jeep around the tiny roads, but John did a great job navigating the turns and pulling into the site!!  We will most likely get to know our neighbors pretty well, because our patio areas face each other and literally touch each other.  Jim and Janine are newbies at RVing and jumped into full timing right away after Jim was forced to retire from CPA work.  They have a 15 yr old schitzu (sp?-even spell check didn't recognize it!), so Kylie will have a buddy.  They are very friendly!  The neighbors, Mary Lou and ? (I forget already) on the other side are very nice, too.  He must have had the same throat or vocal chord cancer as my Dad because he talks as though he has a very bad case of laryngitis, just like my Dad does.  We got all settled in by 1:30 and John took a little walk while I made lunch.  We set up everything outside to watch football.  I had nice conversations with my daughter, Heather and my sister, Bonnie.  We made it through the 1st half and then got cold (our site does not get the afternoon sun) and I got sleepy.  I took a nap and woke up halfway through the 3rd quarter.  John was watching the game in the bedroom and came out when I woke up saying, "well, this one is over".  The score was 19-7 at the time and just after he said that the Seahawks scored and then scored again!  Who would have ever thought they would end up winning that game!!!!  We were both rooting for Green Bay.  We decided to go out for Chinese and do a little shopping.  When we got back we watched the next game... how disappointing... and then went to bed.  Tomorrow we plan on going to the beach on Sanibel Island with Rhonda, Kevin, Heather, James, Megan and Ellie.  It should be fun!

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